From the revitalization of neighborhoods, to volunteering at local charities and providing cultural and intellectual enrichment for residents, Lycoming College is a leader in the betterment of the greater Williamsport area. The College has collaborated closely with the City of Williamsport and Lycoming County on initiatives to help attract and retain world-class talent that drives economic development in the area.

More information on Lycoming College’s impact on surrounding communities is available on our Economic Impact page.

Art & Culture

Lycoming College contributes to the city's arts culture through music and theatre performances, gallery exhibitions, film screenings, and partnerships that help to bolster community relationships.

  • The Lycoming College Downtown Art Gallery hosts multiple art exhibitions throughout the year, exposing the Williamsport community to artists from across the country.
  • A collaborative financial partnership with Williamsport's Community Arts Center helps the local culture continue to thrive.
  • The College hosts more than 100 campus events free of charge, including prominent speakers, musicians, writers, business leaders, scientists, politicians, choirs, band and orchestra performances, theatre productions, film screenings, and more.
  • Lycoming faculty and staff perform with the Williamsport Symphony Orchestra and Community Theatre League at the Community Arts Center and multiple community music groups.
  • The Lycoming College theatre department offers three major theatrical productions every year.
Lycoming College Downtown Art Gallery
Concert Band
Lycoming athletes with Favors Forward banner

Athletic Experiences

An NCAA Division III College, Lycoming plays in the Middle Atlantic Conference (MAC) in 19 different sports, including football, basketball, soccer, wrestling, swimming, and more.

Lycoming hosts more than 100 athletics games/matches each year at the Shangraw Athletics Complex, Lamade Gymnasium, Keiper Recreation Center, natatorium and UPMC Field.

The College hosts regional and national NCAA events and tournaments every year.

Hundreds of local youth refine their athletic skills and abilities by attending Lycoming Athletics camps each summer in wrestling, football, and soccer.

In the past six years, College athletes have dedicated more than 7,200 hours of service and raised nearly $32,000 for charity.
Athletics collage
Students volunteering at the Central Pennsylvania Food Bank

Sustainability & Civic Engagement

Lycoming students impact their communities in profound and meaningful ways through a range of volunteer and service learning opportunities.

  • More than 40,000 pounds of food donated to the American Rescue Workers Homeless Shelters since 2014.
  • Lycoming College employees donate over $20,000 annually to the Lycoming County United Way.
  • The Clean Water Institute tests water in local streams, helps local landowners and farmers meet state and federal regulations for water quality, and offers educational programming for the community.
  • Lycoming students volunteer more than 3,200 hours of community service annually.
  • Lycoming Faculty and staff contribute more than $272,000 to charitable organizations annually.
CWI Students doing field work in a creek