Aerial view of campus with Williamsport, the Susquehanna River and Bald Eagle Mountain as a backdrop

Lycoming College Authors

This list is a compilation of books in Snowden Library's collection whose authors are alumni of the College or who were members of the faculty or staff at the time the book was published.

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z

Adams, George C. Call No.
The Deathbed Sutra of the Buddha : or Siddhartha's Regrets / George C. Adams, Jr. Lanham : John Hunt Publishing, 2014. BQ938 .A4 2014
Adams, Ryan T. Call No.
Routledge handbook of environmental anthropology / edited by Helen Kopnina and Eleanor Shoreman-Ouimet. New York, NY : Routledge, 2016.
- Local and organic food movements
GF41 .R678 2016
Alberts, William E. Call No.
A hospital chaplain at the crossroads of humanity / Rev. William E. Alberts, Ph.D. 2012.  BV4335 .A433 2015
Alexander, Susan H. Call No.
The ambivalent welcome: print media, public opinion, and immigration / Rita J. Simon and Susan H. Alexander. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1993. PN4877.S56 1993
Mediated women: representations in popular culture / edited by Marian Mayer. Cresskill, NJ: Hampton Press, c1999. HQ1421.M43 1999
Modernism, gender, and culture: a cultural studies approach / edited with an introduction by Lisa Rado. New York: Garland Pub., 1997. HQ1075.M654 1997
Allard, C. Kenneth (Carl Kenneth), 1947- Call No.
Business as war / Kenneth Allard. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 2004. HD57.7.A419 2004
Command, control, and the common defense / Kenneth Allard. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1990. UA23.A593 1990
Command, control, and the common defense / Kenneth Allard. Washington, DC: National Defense University: For sale by Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1996. UA23.A593 1996
The gap in reverse communications in British Politics. Williamsport, PA, 1969. JN549.A45
Somalia operations / Kenneth Allard. Washington, DC: National Defense University Press. 1995. DT407.4 A45 1995
Anderman, Nancy Call No.
Development of federalism: 1754-1787. Williamsport, PA, 1971. JK316.A55
United States Supreme Court decisions: An index to their locations. Metuchen, NJ: The Scarecrow Press, 1976. KF101.6.A5
Aseltine, Elyshia Call No.
The social history of crime and punishment in America : an encyclopedia / Wilbur R. Miller, editor.  Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE, c2012.
- Petty courts
-Wickersham Commission
Ref. HV6779 .S63 2012
Atkinson, Amy Call No.
The differences in theoretical approaches to patient care between baccalaureate and associate degree senior nursing students / Amy Atkinson. Williamsport, PA, 1992. RT73.A8 1992
Aubrey, Tom Call No.
Ten bucks and a yes vote : a memoir of Lycoming College football / by Tom Aubrey. [s.l. : s.n., 2001] f GV598.L9 A85 2001
Austin, Penelope Call No.
Waiting for a hero: poems / by Penelope Austin. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, 1988. PS3551.U87 W35 1988
Barnes, Thomas G. Call No.
Somerset assize orders, 1629-1640 / edited by Thomas G. Barnes. Frome: printed by Butler and Tanner, 1959. JN779.G68
Barrios Vicente, Isabel M. Call No.
La vida de Lazarillo de Tormes, y de sus fortunas y adversidades / reconstitución del texto, notas e introducción por Isabel M. Barrios Vicente y Manuel S. Barrios Monte. Salamanca : Librería Cervantes, 2004. PQ6407 .A1 2004
Bastian, Jonathan D. Call No.
Lumbering : a way of life at Pardee : stripping the forests of Union, Snyder, and Mifflin Counties through prosperity and turmoil / Jonathan D. Bastian. United States of America : CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, [2013]. HD9757.P4 B37 2013
Beck, Kimberly R. Call No.
Stress levels and types of stressors in traditional and nontraditional baccalaureate nursing students / Kimberly R. Beck. Williamsport, PA, 1992. RT86.B35 1992
Bednarczyk, Angela M. Call No.
Access for all: Integrating deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing preschoolers / Gail Solit, Maral Taylor, and Angela Bednarczyk [Videotape]. Washington, DC: Galludet University, 1992. HV2474.A3 1992 video
Growing up sexually / author, Angela M. Bednarczyk; instructional designer, Margaret G. Hallau. Washington, DC: Kendall Demonstration Elementary School, Gallaudet College, c1982. f HQ57.2.B4 1982
Issues in Access: Creating Preschools for Deaf, Hard of Hearing, and Hearing Children/ by Gail Solit, M.A. and Angela Bednarczyk, Ph.D. Washington, D.C.: Pre-college National Mission Programs, Gallaudet University, c1999. f LC4019.2.S76 1999
Beidler, Susan K. Call No.
Charleston Conference proceedings 2010 / edited by Beth R. Bernhardt and Leah H. Hinds. Charleston, S.C. : Against the Grain Press, c2011.
-What Do Those Collection Numbers in Resources for College Libraries Really Mean?
Z672.5 .C53 2010
Bell, Michael D., 1971- Call No.
Dual lives : from the streets to the studio / Michael Bell. MBELLART Productions 2017. N6537.B4485 A2 2017
Bendorf, Holly D. Call No.
Developing and sustaining a research-supportive curriculum : a compendium of successful practices / editors, Kerry K. Karukstis, Timothy E. Elgren. Washington, DC : Council on Undergraduate Research, c2007.
-Chemistry Research Methods: a Capstone Course
LB2326.3 .D48 2007
Bernstorf, Chris. Call No.
It's all joy / by Chris Bernstorf. Columbia SC, 2022. PS3602.E762895 I75 2022
152.42 : the poem, some pictures, a letter / by Chris Bernstorf. Columbia SC, 2022. PS3602.E762895 O65 2021
Guest book / by Chris Bernstorf. Monee IL, 2021. PS3602.E762895 G8 2021
So far ; : collected writings, 2010-1018 / by Chris Bernstorf. Monee IL, 2021. PS3602.E762895 S7 2021
Berube, Joseph Call No.
The Buckskin Saint : a novel / by Joseph Berube. British Columbia, Canada : CCB Publishing, 2015. PS3602.E7695 B8 2015
Betlyon, John Wilson Call No.
The coinage and mints of Phoenicia: the pre-Alexandrine period / John Wilson Betlyon. Chico, CA: Scholars Press, c1980. CJ1379.B47 1980
Biggs, Myles J. Call No.

 Unseen work : Why the best path to your goals is not
a straight line / Myles J. Biggs. 2020                                                       

 BF637.P36 B5 2020
Blatchley, Carolyn Call No.
Letting go of legacy services : library case studies / edited by Mary Evangeliste and Katherine Furlong. Chicago : ALA Editions, an imprint of the American Library Association, 2014.
-Cumberland County Library System - Moving to Web-based services: How smart planning and staff training factored into a complete website overhaul--and improved community outreach
Z678 .L43 2014
Bowie, Norman E., 1942- Call No.
Towards a new theory of distributive justice / [by] Norman E. Bowie. Amherst: University of Massachusetts Press, 1971. HB821.B79
Breslin, Jeannie M. Call No.
A comparison of initiation and continuation of smoking in the high school student? / Jeannie M. Breslin. Williamsport, PA, 1991. HV5745.B7 1991
Briggs, Michelle A. Call No.
Chocolate and health : chemistry, nutrition and therapy / edited by Philip K. Wilson, W. Jeffrey Hurst. Cambridge, UK : Royal Society of Chemistry, [2015]
- Nutritional and Physiological Aspects of Chocolate
QP144.C46 W54 2015
Briscoe, C. C. Call No.
Abortion: the emotional issue / by C. C. Briscoe. Bryn Mawr, PA: Dorrance and Co., Inc., [c1984]. HQ767.3 .B7 1984
Brouse, Mary Jo Ault Call No
A narrative of events in the life of Pine Street United Methodist Church: from 1826 to 2001 / David Young Brouse, Jr., Mary Jo Ault Brouse. [Williamsport, PA: s.n., 2001]. BX8382.2.Z7 W5 2001
Broussard, Mary J. Snyder Call No.
E-learning and the academic library : essays on innovative initiatives / edited by Scott Rice and Margaret N. Gregor. Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, [2016]

- The Lyco Map Game : a Blended Approach to Teaching Campus History

Z675.U5 E15 2016

Games in libraries : essays on using play to connect and instruct / edited by Breanne A. Kirsch. Jefferson, North Carolina : McFarland & Company, Inc., Publishers, 2014.
- Knowing When to Create a Library Game
-A Bag of Tricks for a Successful Library Game
Z716.33 .G36 2014
Let the games begin! : engaging students with field-tested interactive information literacy instruction / edited by Theresa R. McDevitt. New York : Neal-Schuman Publishers, c2011.
- Game 7: It's Alive!
- Game 44: Goblin Threat
ZA3075 .L48 2011
Reading, research, and writing : teaching information literacy with process-based research assignments / by Mary Snyder Broussard. Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 2017. ZA3075 .B757 2017
The future academic librarian's toolkit : finding success on the job hunt and in your first job / edited by Megan Hodge. Chicago, Illinois : Association of College and Research Libraries, A division of the American Library Association, 2019.

-A rhetorical approach to writing for publication

Z682.4.C63 F88 2019
Skills to make a librarian : transferable skills inside and outside the library / edited by Dawn Love-Wincentsen. Waltham, MA : Chandos Publishing, [2015]
- Visual Literacy Meets Information Literacy: How Two Academic Librarians Combined Information Science and Design in their Careers
Z668 .S55 2015
Snapshots of reality : a practical guide to formative assessment in library instruction / by Mary Snyder Broussard, Rachel Hickoff-Cresko, and Jessica Urick Oberlin. Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 2014. ZA3075 .B76 2014
Social software and the evolution of user expertise : future trends in knowledge creation and dissemination / Tatjana Takseva, editor. Hershey, PA : Information Science Reference, c2013.
- Faculty and Undergraduate Perceptions of Expertise within Social Media
f H62 .S72471817 2013
Brown, Debra A. Call No.
Attitudes of registered nurses toward the geriatric client and the relationship of attitudes and ego defensiveness and selected demographic variables / Debbie Brown. Williamsport, PA, [1990]. RT86.B7 1990
Brundardt, Karen E. Call No.
Dr. Trouble : a sci-fi novella / K. E. Brungardt. Middletown, DE: [Privately printed] c2019.

 PS3602.R8475 D7 2019
Exchanger: a sci-fi novella / K. E. Brungardt. Middletown, DE: [Privately printed] c2019.

 PS3602.R8475 E9 2019
Burns, Michele Call No.
Imagery and representation : studies in the art and iconography of ancient Palestine : collected articles / Pirhiya Beck ; [editors, Nadav Na'aman, Uza Zevulun, and Irit Ziffer], 2002. DS104.3 .B43 2002
Butler, Anita Call No.
Georgia family law manual / by Anita Butler, William S. Jula, editor in chief. Clearwater, FL: D&S Pub., c 1985- KFG94.B88 1985 v. 1
KFG94.B88 1985 v. 2
Byington, Robert Call No.
Two penny ballads and four dollar whiskey / Kenneth S. Goldstein and Robert H. Byington, editors. Hatboro, PA: Folklore Associates, 1966. GR110.P4 G6
Cagle, Len Call No.
Heimat and migration : reimagining the regional and the global in the twenty-first century / edited by Len Cagle, Thomas Herold, and Gabriele Maier. Berlin ; Boston : De Gruyter, 2023. DD76 .H395 2023
Carlson, John Phillip Call No.
Synthesis of some analogs of the tropane alkaloids. Williamsport, PA, 1971. QD421.C3
Carter, Tim Call No.
Environmental crime: enforcement, policy, and social responsibility / [edited by] Mary Clifford. Gaithersburg, MD: Aspen Pub., 1988. HV6403.E595 1988
Chamberlain, Kathleen Call No.
Middle schools for a diverse society / Kathleen Chamberlain. New York: Peter Lang, 2003. LC1099.3.C46 2003
Chandler, Cullen J. Call No.
Introduction to the Carolingian age / Cullen J. Chandler. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2024. DC70 .C436 2024
Carolingian Catalonia : politics, culture, and identity in an imperial province, 778-987 / Cullen J. Chandler. Cambridge, United Kingdom ; New York, NY, USA : Cambridge University Press, 2019. DP124.8 .C53 2019
Discovery and distinction in the early Middle Ages : studies in honor of John J. Contreni / edited by Cullen J. Chandler and Steven A. Stofferahn. Kalamazoo : Medieval Institute Publications, Western Michigan University, [2013] DC70 .D57 2013
Clark, Gloria Jeanne Bodtorf Call No.
A synergy of styles : art and artifact in Gabriel Garcia Marquez / Gloria Jeanne Bodtorf Clark. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, c1999. PQ8180.17.A73 Z638 1999
Marianela : a new translation / Benito Pérez Galdós ; introduction, notes and translation by Gloria Bodtorf Clark. Newark, Delaware : Juan de la Cuesta, 2020. PQ6555.M2 E5 2020 
Cole, J. Preston Call No.
Reader in perspectives on religion / edited by O. Thompson Rhodes, J. Preston Cole and Paul B. Mojzes. Williamsport, PA: Lycoming College, 1969. BL25.R32
Collins, Dan S. Call No.
Andrew Marvell, a reference guide / Dan S. Collins. Boston: G.K. Hall, c1981. Ref. PR3546.C64 1981
Cooper, Tasha Call No.
Theory and practice: papers and session materials presented at the Twenty-fifth National LOEX Library Instruction Conference held in Charleston, South Carolina, 8 to 10 May 1997 / edited by Linda Shirato and Elizabeth R. Bucciarelli. Ann Harbor, MI: Published for Learning Resources and Technologies, Eastern Michigan University, by Pierian Press, 1998. Z711.2.N37 1997
Cramer, Stephen Call No.
Bone music : poems / by Stephen Cramer. Ponte Vedra Beach, FL : Trio House Press, Inc, [2016] PS3603.R365 A6 2016
From the hip : a concise history of hip hop (in sonnets) / Stephen Cramer. Shelburne, Vermont : Windridge Books of Vermont, [2014] PS3603.R365 F76 2014
Shiva's drum : poems / by Stephen Cramer. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2004. PS3603.R365 S55 2004
Tongue and groove : poems / by Stephen Cramer. Urbana : University of Illinois, c2007. PS3603.R365 T66 2007
Crever, Anna Rozilla Call No.
Lyrics of life: an offering of verse / by Anna Rozilla Crever; with a prefatory poem by Ruth Comfort Mitchell. Campbell, CA: Keesling Press, 1931. PS3505.R587 L95
Variant voices: poems / by Anna Rozilla Crever; with an introd. by Ruth Comfort Mitchell. San Francisco: H. Wagner Pub. Co., 1925. PS3505.R587 V3 1925
Curchoe, Melanie Call No.
Alzheimer's research: an examination of pharmacological and nonpharmacological therapies / Melanie Curchoe. Williamsport, PA, 1994 RC523.C8 1994
Decky, Stephen St. Francis Call No.
Make the Bear Be Nice / Stephen St. Francis Decky. Philadelphia, PA : Frayed Edge Press, 2021. PS3605.E2459 M35 2021
Dever, William G. Call No.
Beyond the texts : an archaeological portrait of ancient Israel and Judah / by William G. Dever. Atlanta : SBL Press, [2017] DS111 .D56 2017
The lives of ordinary people : what the Bible and archaeology tell us about everyday life in ancient Israel / William G. Dever. Grand Rapids, Mich. : W.B. Eerdmans Pub. Co., 2012. DS112 .D48 2012
Preliminary excavation reports--Sardis, Idalion, and Tell el-Handaquq North / edited by William G. Dever. [Cambridge, Mass.] : American Schools of Oriental Research, 1996. f DS101 .A45 v.53
Dickinson, Alyce M. Call No.
Industrial behavior modification: a management handbook / edited by Richard M. O'Brien, Alyce M. Dickinson, Michael P. Roscow. New York: Pergamon Press, c1982. HD58.7.I53 1982 c. 2
HD58.7.I53 1982 c. 3
Donati, Eugene L. Call No.
Reputation management : the key to successful public relations and corporate communication / John Doorley and Helio Fred Garcia. 2nd ed. New York : Routledge, 2011.
-Chapter 8 - Investor relations
HD59 .D66 2011
Donnelly, Kathleen Dixon Call No.
Gypsy teacher : sometimes the only way to keep teaching is to keep moving / by Kathleen Dixon Donnelly, Ph.D. [England] : K. Donnelly Communications, 2007. LB2844.1.P3 D6 2007
Manager as muse : Maxwell Perkins' work with F. Scott Fitzgerald, Ernest Hemingway, and Thomas Wolfe / Kathleen Dixon Donnelly, Ph.D. 2014 PN149.9.P4 D6 2014
Duda, Heather L., 1976- Call No.
The monster hunter in modern popular culture / Heather L. Duda. Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, 2008. P96.H46 D83 2008
Duhamel, Denise Call No.
It's my body: poems / by Denise Duhamel. Chicago: Egg in Hand Press, c1992. PS3554.U3968 I8 1992
Smile! / Denise Duhamel. Harrisburg, PA: Warm Spring Press, 1993. PS3554.U3968 S655 1993
The woman with two vaginas / Denise Duhamel. Anchorage : Salmon Run Press, 1995. PS3554.U3968 W6 1995
Durst, Mose, 1939- Call No.
To bigotry, no sanction: Reverend Sun Myung Moon an the Unification Church / Mose Durst. Chicago: Regnery Gateway; Port Washington, NY: Distributed to the book trade by Independent Publishers Group, c1984. BX9750.S4 D88 1984
Edgar, Robert Call No.
Middle Church : reclaiming the moral values of the faithful majority from the religious right / Bob Edgar. New York : Simon and Schuster, c2006. BR516 .E43 2006
Erickson, Richard R. Call No.
The solar system / editors, David G. Fisher, Richard R. Erickson. Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, c2010. Ref. QB501 .S627 2010 v.1-3
Esmat, Maryam Haytham Call No.
The Escaping Flashback : a novel / M. Haytham Esmat. [Place of publication not identified] : [Publisher not identified], 2015. PJ7922.S5 E8 2015
Estomin, Lynn Call No.
Becky's story [videorecording] / produced and directed by Lynn Estomin. [Williamsport, Pa.] : Lynn Estomin, 2006. HQ Bec 0610 DVD
Heroes [videorecording] / producer and director, Lynn Estomin. [Williamsport, Pa.] : Lynn Estomin, 2006. DS Her 0537 DVD
Living in the story : photographic innovator, storyteller, artist. / producer and director, Lynn Estomin. [Place not given] : Women's Film Project, [2018] TR Liv 1336 DVD
Magic wand: an exchange of ideas for instructors teaching digital imaging / compiled by Barbara London and Peggy Jones. New York: Harper Collins College Pub., 1996. f TR267.M3 1996
Mortgaged generations [videorecording] / produced and directed by Lynn Estomin. [Cincinnati, OH?] : Women's Film Project, c1992. HV Mor 0572 VHS
Motherhood on trial [videorecording] / producer and director, Lynn Estomin ; research director, Andrea Tuttle Kornbluh ; scriptwriters, Lynn Estomin, Andrea Tuttle Kornbluh. New York, N.Y. : Filmakers Library, Inc., c1996. HV Mot 0612 VHS
The other side of the fence [videorecording] / producer and director, Lynn Estomin. New York, N.Y. : Filmakers Library, Inc., c1993. HQ Oth 0611 VHS
Warrior writers. [Philadelphia, PA] : Distributed by PS War 1337 DVD
Farrell, David Michael Call No.
The absorption spectrum of praseodymium iodide. Williamsport, PA, 1973. QC454.A2 F3
Faus, William Arthur Call No.
The genius of prophets, by W. Arthur Faus. New York; Nashville: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, [1946]. BS1505.F35 c. 2
Feinstein, Sascha Call No.
Understanding Hans Hofmann : reflections / by Sam Feinstein ; edited by Sascha Feinstein. Provincetown, MA : Provincetown Arts Press, [2018]. ND237.H667 F45 2018
Ajanta's ledge : poems / Sascha Feinstein. Rhinebeck, N.Y. : Sheep Meadow Press ; [Lebanon, N.H.] : Distributed by The University Press of New England, c2012. PS3556.E435 A73 2012
Ask me now : conversations on jazz and literature / edited by Sascha Feinstein. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2007. ML3506 .A76 2007
A bibliographic guide to jazz poetry / Sascha Feinstein. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. Ref. PS310.J39 F45 1998
Black pearls : improvisations on a lost year / Sascha Feinstein.
Spokane : Eastern Washington University Press, c2008.
PS3556.E435 Z46 2008
Conversations with Yusef Komunyakaa / edited by Shirley A. James Hanshaw. Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, c2010.
- Survival Masks : An interview with Yusef Komunyakaa
PS3561.O455 Z46 2010
Conversations with Sonia Sanchez / edited by Joyce A. Joyce. Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, 2007.
- An interview with Sonia Sanchez
PS3569.A468 Z63 2007
Innovative women poets : an anthology of contemporary poetry and interviews / edited by Elisabeth A. Frost and Cynthia Hogue. Iowa City : University of Iowa Press, c2006.
-An interview with Sonia Sanchez
PS589 .I66 2006
The jazz fiction anthology / edited by Sascha Feinstein and David Rife. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2009. PN6120.2 .J37 2009
Jazz Poetry: from the 1920's to the present / Sascha Feinstein. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1997. PS310.J39 F45 1997
Keystone Korner : portrait of a jazz club / photographs and interviews by Kathy Sloane ; edited by Sascha Feinstein and Kathy Sloane. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2012. ML3508.8.S26 S56 2012
Misterioso: poems / by Sascha Feinstein. Port Townsend, WA: Copper Canyon Press, c2000. PS3556.E435 M57 2000
The Jazz poetry anthology / edited by Sascha Feinstein and Yusef Komunyakaa. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1991.
-Buying Wine
-Monk's Mood
PS595.J34 J39 1991
The second set: the jazz poetry anthology, volume 2 / edited by Sascha Feinstein and Yusef Komunyakaa. Bloomington: Indiana University Press, c1996.
-Christmas Eve, Sonnets for Stan Gage (1945-1992)
PS595.J34 S43 1996
The Poetry blues, essays and interviews / edited by Sebastian Matthews and Stanley Plumly. Ann Arbor: The University of Michigan Press, c2001.
-Mingus at the Showplace: Interview with Sascha Feinstein
PS3563.A855 P64 2001
Riffs and choruses: a new jazz anthology / edited by Andrew Clark.
London and New York: Bayou Press Ltd., 2001.

-Riff 5
Chorus V So Black and Blue: Jazz and race (colour, identity, otherness)
56 'Miss Brown to you (1915-1959)' (2000) p. 197
ML3507.R54 2001
Testimony, a tribute to Charlie Parker : with new & selected jazz poems / Yusef Komunyakaa ; Including the complete Australian Broadcasting Corporation audio recording with music by Sandy Evans ; With commentaries by Sandy Evans, Sascha Feinstein, Paul Grabowsky, Christopher Williams, and Miriam Zolin ; Edited by Victoria Stahl. Middletown, Connecticut : Wesleyan University Press, 2013. PS3561.O455 T36 2013
Wreckage : my father's legacy of art and junk / Sascha Feinstein. Lanham, Maryland : Bucknell University Press : Copublished by The Rowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, Inc., 2017. ND237.F335 F46 2017
Fenn, Jennifer Call No.
Flight risk : a novel / Jennifer Fenn. New York : Roaring Brook Press, [2017]. PZ7.1.F48 F55 2017
Ferris, John Call No.
Realism in green politics: social movements an ecological reform in Germany / Helmut Wiesenthal; edited by John Ferris. Manchester, UK; New York: Manchester University Press. Distributed exclusively in the USA and Canada by St. Martin's Press, c1993.
JN3971.A8 G72383 1993
Finn, Zachary. Call No.
The ancient evil versus the good boy / Zachary Finn. [Place of publication not identified] : Vulpine Press, 2021. PS3606.I5592 A63 2021
Fisher, Cheryl R. Call No.
A comparison of occupational stress between ICU and non-ICU nurses in a hospital setting / Cheryl R. Fisher. Williamsport, PA, 1990. RT86.F5 1990
Fisher, David G. Call No.
Encyclopedia of Flight / edited by Tracy Irons-Georges.
Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, c2002.

-v. 1: Accident investigation - Guernica, Spain, bombing
-v. 2: Guidance systems - Sputnik
-v. 3: Stabilizers - Ferdinand von Zeppelin
Ref.TL509.E56 2002 v.1-3
Magill's survey of science. Earth science series / edited by Frank N. Magill ; consulting editor, James A. Woodhead. Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, 1990.
-v. 3 : Io, Mercury
-v. 5 Skylab
QE28 .M33 1990 v.1-5
Magill's survey of science. Physical science series / edited by Frank N. Magill ; consulting editor Thomas A. Tombrello. Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, 1992.
-v. 2: Electric and magnetic fields
-v. 3 : Forces on charges and currents; Inductors
-v. 4 : Orthogonal functions and expansions
-v. 6 : Thermocouples; Transistors; Uncertainty principle; Wave-particles; X-ray and electron diffraction
Q158.5 .M34 1992 v.1-6
Magill's survey of science. Space exploration series / edited by Frank N. Magill. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, c1989.
-v. 1: Apollo 9
-v. 2 : Gemini 5, Mariner 1 and 2
-v. 3 : Mercury-Redstone 3, Mercury-Redstone 4, Soyuz 1, Soyuz 4 and 5, Soyuz 6, 7, and 8
-v. 4 : Soyuz 10 and 11
-v. 5 : The Voskhod Program
TL790.M24 1989 v. 1-5
The seventies in America / editor, John C. Super ; managing editor Tracy Irons-Georges. Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, c2006.
-v.1: Anik communication satellites, Apollo space program
-v.3: Voyager space program
Ref. E169.12.S447 2006 v.1-3
The solar system / editors, David G. Fisher, Richard R. Erickson. Pasadena, Calif. : Salem Press, c2010. Ref. QB501 .S627 2010 v.1-3
USA in space / edited by Russell R. Tobias and David G. Fisher. 3rd edition. Pasadena, CA : Salem Press, 2006. Ref. TL789.8.U5 U83 2006 v. 1-3
USA in space / edited by Russell R. Tobias. Pasadena, CA: Salem Press, c2001.
-v. 1: Apollo 9, Gemini V, Hubble Space Telescope Servicing Missions
-v. 2 : Mariners 1 and 2, Mercury-Redstone 3, Mercury-Redstone 4, Russian Mir Space Station
-v. 3 : Space Shuttle Mission STS-49, Space Shuttle Mission STS-61, Space Shuttle Mission STS-63, Space Shuttle/Mir Joint Missions, Space Shuttle Mission STS-95, Space Shuttle Mission STS-93, Voyager 2: Neptune
Ref.TL789.8.U5 U83 2001 v. 1-3
Flayhart, William H. Call No.
A history of the origins and development of the American Line, 1873-1895. Williamsport, PA, 1966. HE753.A49 F58
The American Line - 1871-1902 / William H. Flayhart III
New York: W. W. Norton, 2000
HE945.A4 F58 2000
Majesty at sea: the four-stackers / by John H. Jr and William H. Flayhart III; [foreword by Walter Lord]. New York: W. W. Norton, 1981. f VM381.S48 1981b
The QE2 / William H. Flayhart, III and Ronald W. Warwick. New York: Norton, c1985. VM383.Q32 F53 1985
Frampton, Bud Call No.
 Oops ... i'm a teacher / Bud Frampton. Outskirts Press, 2012.  LB1777.2 .F73 2012
Fratila, R. Call No.
An introduction to the theory of linear systems / R. Fratila. Washington: [Dept. of the Navy, Electronic Systems Command]; for sale by the Supt. Of Docs., U.S. GPO, [1977]. QA402.F686
Frock, Karen L. Call No.
Follow the North Star to freedom/ WVIA and Karen L. Frock (Producers), and J.D. DiAngelis, (Director). [Videotape]. Williamsport, PA: Creekside Creative Media, [1997]. E Fol 0040 VHS
Garcia, Allison K. Call No.
Vivir el dream / Allison K. García. 2017.  PS3607.A685 V5 2017
Finding amor / Allison K. García. [Harrisonburg, Virginia] : Allison K. García, 2018.  PS3607.A685 F55 2018
Getchell, Charles Lawrence Call No.
Construction of rings in modular lattices. Cambridge, MA, 1973. f QA171.5.G43
Geyer, Alan Call No.
Theological crossings / [by] Robert McAfee Brown [and others]. Edited by Alan Geyer and Dean Peerman. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, [1971]. BR50.T422
Gibboney, Rebecca Call No.
The tiebreaker: a scouting report on building a culture for gamification in professional learning / Rebecca Gibboney. Alexandria, VA : EduMatch, 2020.

 LB1731.4 .G5 2020
Giglio, Ernest Call No.
Here's looking at you: Hollywood, film, and politics (Politics, Media and Popular Culture, v. 3) / Ernest Giglio. New York: Peter Lang, 2000. PN1995.9.P6 G56 2000
Rights, liberties and public policy / Ernest Giglio. Brookfield, VT: Avebury Ashgate Publishing, 1995. JC585.G5 1995
Golahny, Amy Call No.
Sculpture by women in the eighties: UP Gallery, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, November 6 through December 8, 1985 / curated by Amy Golahny, Ann Sutherland Harris, Elaine A. King. Pittsburgh, PA: UP Gallery, c1985. NB212.G6 1985
The age of Rembrandt: studies in seventeenth-century Dutch painting / edited by Roland E. Fleischer and Susan Scott Munshower. [University Park, PA]: Pennsylvania State University, c1988.

-Rembrandt's Abduction of Prospernia
ND646.A38 1988
Berta Golahny : the human abstract / Amy Golahny and Emily Kopley. [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified] ; 2018. ND237.G5785 A4 2018
The eye of the poet : studies in the reciprocity of the visual an literary arts from the Renaissance to the present / edited by Amy Golahny. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press; London: Associated University Presses, c1996.

-Part 2: Beyond the Terrain and Time of the Renaissance in Italy: Northern Europe and America, section titled "Paired Poems in Pendant Paintings: Vondel and Oudaan Interpret Lastman."
NX175.E94 1996
Rembrandt's reading : The Artist's bookshelf of ancient poetry and history / by Amy Golahny. Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, c2003 ND653.R4 G6 2003
In his milieu : essays on Netherlandish art in memory of John Michael Montias / edited by A. Golahny, M.M. Mochizuki and L. Vergara. Author: Golahny, Amy. N6944 .I72 2006
Goodpaster, Jennifer Mease Call No.
 Otis & Maggie / by Jennifer Mease Goodpaster  Juv. PZ7.G614465 O7 2012
Grant, Ellin Cameron Call No.
Antoine de Saint-Exupery / by Ellin Cameron Grant. Williamsport, PA, 1965. PQ2637.A274 G68
Gregory, Alison Call No.
Information literacy : research and collaboration across disciplines / edited by Barbara J. D'Angelo, Sandra Jamieson, Barry Maid, and Janice R. Walker. Fort Collins, Colorado : The WAC Clearinghouse ; Boulder : University Press of Colorado, [2016]
- Building critical researchers and writers incrementally : vital partnerships between faculty and librarians
ZA3075 .I544 2016
The library instruction cookbook / by Ryan L. Sittler and Douglas Cook. Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries, 2009.
-An eight-course library meal
Z711.25.C65 L53 2009
Social software and the evolution of user expertise : future trends in knowledge creation and dissemination / Tatjana Takseva, editor. Hershey, PA : Information Science Reference, c2013.
- Faculty and Undergraduate Perceptions of Expertise within Social Media
f H62 .S72471817 2013
Griffiths, Thomas A. Call No.
Mammals of South America / edited by Alfred L. Gardner. Chicago : University of Chicago Press, 2007-
-Subfamily Glossophaginae
-Subfamily Lonchophyllinae
f QL725.A1 M36 2007 v.1
Guenther, Nancy Anderman Call No.
United States Supreme Court decisions: an index to excerpts, reprints, and discussions / by Nancy Anderman Guenther. Metuchen, NJ: Scarecrow Press, 1983. Ref. KF101.6.G83 1983
Guerra, Eduardo Call No.
La parabola del buen samaritano: un ensayo de los conceptos de santidad y compasion / Eduardo Guerra. Barcelona: Editorial Clie, 1999. BT378.G6 G9 1999
Hafer, Gary R. Call No.
Embracing writing : ways to teach reluctant writers in any college course / Gary R. Hafer ; foreword by Maryellen Weimer. San Francisco, CA : Jossey-Bass, a Wiley brand, [2014] Tchg. PE1404 .H3254 2014
Haley, David K. Call No.
Equational compactness in rings: With applications to the theory of topological rings (Lecture notes in mathematics v. 745) / David K. Haley. Berlin: Springer-Verlag, 1979. QA251.3.H3
Hanks, Rome A. Call No.
Secret places: photographs of Big Bend National Park / by Rome A. Hanks. Big Bend National Park: Texas Big Bend Natural History Association, 1983. F392.B53 H3
Harrison, Stephen D. Call No.
The manager's book of decencies : how small gestures build great companies / Steve Harrison. New York : McGraw-Hill Professional, c2007. HD58.7 .H36975 2007
Hawk, Gerald L. Call No.
Advances in laboratory automation robotics. Hopkinton, MA: Zymark Corp., 1984.
-editor, preface
Q183.A1 A38 1988
Q183.A1 A38 1987
Q183.A1 A38 1986
Q183.A1 A38 1985
Q173.A1 A38 1984
Biological/ biomedical applications of liquid chromatography. New York, Basel: M. Dekker, 1979-
QP519.9.L55 B58 v. 1
QP519.9.L55 B58 v. 2
QP519.9.L55 B58 v. 3
QP519.9.L55 B58 v. 4
Laboratory robotics handbook. Hopkinton, MA: Zymark, Corp., 1988. TJ211.L3 1988 c. 1
TJ211.L3 1988 c. 2
Hawkes, G. W. Call No.
Gambler's rose: a novel / G. W. Hawkes. Denver, CO: MacMurray and Beck, c2000. PS3558.A818 G36 2000
Playing out of the deep woods: stories / by G. W. Hawkes. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, c1995. PS3558.A818 P57 1995
Semaphore / G. W. Hawkes. Denver, CO: MacMurray and Beck, c1998. PS3558.A818 S45 1998
Spies in the blue smoke: stories / G. W. Hawkes. Columbia: University of Missouri Press, c1992. PS3558.A818 S6 1992
Surveyor / G. W. Hawkes. Denver, CO: MacMurray and Beck, c1998. PS3558.A818 S87 1998
Hebert-Leiter, Maria Call No.
Images of Depression-era Louisiana : the FSA photographs of Ben Shahn, Russell Lee, and Marion Post Wolcott / [edited by] Bryan Giemza and Maria Hebert-Leiter. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, 2017. F375 .S53 2017
Henry, Paul B. Call No.
Practical approaches in treating adolescent chemical dependency: a guide to clinical assessment and intervention / Paul B. Henry, editor. New York: Haworth Press, c1989.
-foreword, Intervention and Student Assistance: The Pennsylvania Model, Adolescent Inpatient Treatment
RJ506.D78 P7 1989
Heyes, Michael E. Call No.
Demons in the USA : from the anti-spiritualists to Qanon / by Michael E. Heyes. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2025. BF1517.U6 H48 2025
Holy monsters, sacred grotesques : monstrosity and religion in Europe and the United States / edited by Michael E. Heyes. Lanham ; Boulder ; New York ; London : Lexington Books, [2018] GR825 .H68 2018

Margaret's monsters : women, identity, and the Life of St. Margaret in medieval England / Michael E. Heyes. Abingdon, Oxon ; New York, NY : Routledge, 2020.

BR1720.M285 H49 2020
Heysel, Garett R. Call No.
Confrontations : politics and aesthetics in nineteenth-century France / Amsterdam; Atlanta, GA: Rodopi, 2001.
-Audacious Modes and Spectacular Models: Fashion in Jean Lorrain
PQ281.C65 1998
Hickoff-Cresko, Rachel. Call No.
Snapshots of reality : a practical guide to formative assessment in library instruction / by Mary Snyder Broussard, Rachel Hickoff-Cresko, and Jessica Urick Oberlin. Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 2014. PQ281.C65 1998
Hicks, Mildred Todd. Call No.
When the world was flat: memoirs of old Baltimore / by Mildred Todd Hicks. Berea, KY: Kentucky Imprints, c1985. F189.B1 H53 1985
Hill, Judith Mary Call No.
Moral education : a thesis, presented to the faculty of Lycoming College for Honors in Philosophy / by Judith Mary Hill, April, 1973. Williamsport, PA, 1973. LC268.H48 1973
Hipple, Kaitlyn S. Call No.
Metztli / Xánath Caraza ; traducción al inglés por Sandra Kingery y Kaitlyn Hipple. Estado de México : Capítulo Siete, 2018. PS3603.A6939 M4 2018
Hodge, Ruth E. Call No.
Guide to African American resources at the Pennsylvania State Archives / Ruth E. Hodge. Harrisburg, PA: Pennsylvania Historical and Museum Commission, 2000. Ref. E185.93.P41 H6
Holmes, Michael J. Call No.
Textbook of audiological medicine : clinical aspects of hearing and balance / edited by Linda M. Luxon ... [et al.]. London : Martin Dunitz ; Independence, KY : Distributed in USA by Fulfilment Center, Taylor and Francis, 2003.

-Vestibular influences on cardiovascular control during movement.
f RF290 .T4 2003
Holsworth, Kathy Call No.
A study in crystallography. Williamsport, PA, 1972. QD905.2.H6
Houtman, Sally Call No.
To grandma's house, we ... stay: When you have to stop spoiling your grandchildren and start raising them / Sally Houtman, M.S. Northridge, CA: Studio 4 Productions, 1999. HQ 759.9 .H68 1999
Hughes, Richard, 1941- Call No.
Aggression and expiation / Richard Hughes. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, c1987. BF575.A3 H84 1987
Cain's lament : a Christian moral psychology / Richard A. Hughes. New York : Peter Lang, 2001. BJ1275 .H74 2001
The judge and the faith healer / by Richard Hughes. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, c1989. KFI3326.5.F35 H84 1989
Lament, death, and destiny / Richard A. Hughes. New York: P. Lang, 2004. BF732.7.H84 2004
Pro-justice ethics : from lament to nonviolence / Richard A. Hughes. New York : Peter Lang, c2009. BJ1251 .H845 2009
The radiant shock of death / Richard A. Hughes. New York: P. Lang, 1995. BT825.H845 1995
Religion, law, and the present water crisis / Richard A. Hughes. New York : Peter Lang, c2013. K3496 .H84 2013
Return of the ancestor / Richard A. Hughes. New York: P. Lang, 1991. BF175.4.R44 H84 1991
Theology and the Cain Complex/ Richard Hughes. Lanham, MD: University Press of America, 1982. BT810.2 .H83
Hungerford, Rachael A. Call No.
Journeying : children responding to literature / edited by Kathleen E. Holland, Rachael Hungerford, Shirley B. Ernst. Portsmouth, NH: Heinemann, c1993.
-Introduction, Chapter 2
LB1575.5.U5 J68 1993
Hunsinger, John L. Call No.
John Hazel / by John L. Hunsinger. Troy, PA: Cowl Press, 1995. Hist. ML419.H3 H9 1995
Hurlbert, Janet McNeil Call No.
Defining relevancy : managing the new academic library / edited by Janet McNeil Hurlbert. Westport, Conn. : Libraries Unlimited, 2008. Z675.U5 D368 2008
Designs for active learning: a sourcebook of classroom strategies for information education / edited by Gail Gradowski, Loanne Snavely, Paula Dempsey; production editor, Kevin M. Roddy; with the Teaching Methods Committee, Instruction Section. Chicago: The Association, 1998. Z711.2.D47 1998
Leadership and academic librarians / edited by Terrence F. Mech and Gerard B. McCabe. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998.
-Chapter 7
Z682.4.C63 L4 1998
Programs that work: papers and session materials presented at the Twenty-fourth National LOEX Library Instruction Conference held in Ypsilanti, Michigan, 16 to 18 May 1996 / edited by Linda Shirato. Ann Harbor, MI: Published for Learning Resources and Technologies, Eastern Michigan University, by Pierian Press, 1997.
-Instructive Session No: 3
f Z711.2.N37 1996
Social software and the evolution of user expertise : future trends in knowledge creation and dissemination / Tatjana Takseva, editor. Hershey, PA : Information Science Reference, c2013.
- Faculty and Undergraduate Perceptions of Expertise within Social Media
f H62 .S72471817 2013
Teaching information literacy skills to social sciences students and practitioners : a casebook of applications / Douglas Cook and Natasha Cooper, editors. Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries, 2006.
-Chapter 5. A communication capstone project: a developmental model for undergraduate research skills training.
ZA3075 .T43 2006
Unmasking the Internet for research: using hands-on active learning exercises / Marilyn P. Whitmore, contributing editor; contributors, John J. Burk…[et al.]. Pittsburgh, PA: Library Instruction Publications, c1997.
-Business: Money and Banking on the Internet.
Z695.24.U55 1997
Hutson, Harold Horton Call No.
Portraits of Jesus in the New Testament / by Harold H. Hutson. Greensboro, NC: Fellowship Class, West Market Street United Methodist Church, [1993]. BT302.H8 1993
Ierardi, Lynn Malzone Call No.
Storytelling : The secret sauce of fundraising success / by Lynn Malzone Ierardi, JD. Pleasant View, Tennessee : CharityChannel Press, an imprint of CharityChannel LLC, 2019.   HV41.2 .I4 2019
Jacques, Robert A. Call No.
Reality 101 : everything you need to know about reality so you don't spend the rest of your life in total stupidity / by Robert A. Jacques. Memphis, Tennessee : Bottom of the Hill Publishing, 2017. Q175.3 .J33 2017
The cat who loved Beethoven / by Robert A. Jacques. Memphis, Tennessee : Bottom of the Hill Publishing, 2014. PS3560.A295 C3 2014
The Republic / by Robert A. Jacques. Memphis, Tennessee : Bottom of the Hill Publishing, 2015. JA66 .J33 2015
Jensen, Emily Call No.
Virginia Woolf: a feminist slant / edited by Jane Marcus. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, c1983.
-Clarissa Dalloway's Respectable Suicide
PR6045.O72 Z892 1983
Jo, Moon H. Call No.
Korean immigrants and the challenge of adjustment / Moon H. Jo. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1999. E184.K6 J6 1999
Johnson, Carlton T. Call No.
A thimble of time : poetry by Carlton T. Johnson. Henderson, NV : Shantih Press, 2021. PS3610.O32382 T45 2021
Johnson, Jeremiah C., 1974- Call No.
Never enough : maximalist & sculptural works / by Jeremiah Johnson. Williamsport, Pa. : Converge Gallery, 2013. NB237.J542 A4 2013
Johnson, Melody M., 1988- Call No.
Sight Beyond the Sun / Melody Johnson. St. Mary's : Incendi Press, 2023. PS3610.O3664 S54 2023
The City Beneath : a night blood novel / Melody Johnson. New York : Lyrical Press, 2015. PS3610.O3664 C5 2015
Day reaper / Melody Johnson. New York, NY : Lyrical Press, Kensington Publishing Corp., 2018 PS3610.O3664 D3 2018
Eternal reign : a Night Blood novel / Melody Johnson. New York, NY : Lyrical Press, 2017. PS3610.O3664 E7 2017
Sweet last drop / Melody Johnson. New York, NY : Lyrical Press, 2016. PS3610.O3664 S8 2016
 Beyond the next star /  Melody Johnson. New York, NY : Lyrical Press, 2015.  PS3610.O3664 B4 2020
Johnson, Steven R., 1961- Call No.
Q 14:26-27; 17:33; 14:34-35 : hating one's family; taking one's cross; finding or losing one's life; insipid salt / Josef Amon, Shawn Carruth, Robert A. Derrenbacker, Jr., Neal Kelsey, and Daniel A. Smith; volume editor, Steven R. Johnson. Leuven, Belgium : Peeters, 2024. BS2555.52 .J654 2024
Built on rock or sand? : Q studies : retrospects, introspects and prospects / edited by Christoph Heil, Gertraud Harb and Daniel A. Smith. Leuven : Peeters, 2018.
- The ask, seek, and knock motifs in early Jesus movement literature.
BS2555.52 .B84 2018
New Testament Greek : a beginning and intermediate grammar / James Allen Hewett ; revised and expanded by C. Michael Robbins, Steven R. Johnson. Rev. ed., [Rev. and expanded ed.]. Peabody, Mass. : Hendrickson Publishers, c2009. PA817 .H4 2009
Q 7:1-10 : the centurion's faith in Jesus' word / Steven R. Johnson. Leuven ; Sterling, Va. : Peeters, 2002. BS2555.52 .J65 2002
Q 12:33-34 : storing up treasures in heaven / Steven R. Johnson. Leuven ; Dudley, MA : Peeters, 2007. BS2555.52 .J652 2007
Q 13:34-35 : judgment over Jerusalem / Stephen R. Johnson ; in cooperation with Michael G. Steinhauser and Ronald L. Jolliffe ; volume editor, Steven R. Johnson. Leuven ; Walpole, MA : Peeters, 2014. BS2555.52 .J653 2014
Seeking the imperishable treasure : wealth, wisdom, and a Jesus saying / Steven R. Johnson. Eugene, Or. : Cascade Books, c2008. BS2555.6.W37 J64 2008
Jones, John Wiley Call No.
Some fun / by John Wiley Jones. New York: Vintage Press, c1980. HD9651.95.J6 J6
Jula, William Call No.
CLA study guide / Florida Legal Assistants, Inc. Clearwater, FL: D.&S. Pub., 1986.
f KF320.L4 1986
Florida commercial landlord-tenant law / Nicholas C. Glover. Clearwater, FL: D&S Publishers, c1985-

-editor in chief
KFF117.3.A6 G58
Florida juvenile procedure / by Elizabeth Hapner. Clearwater, FL: D&S Publishers, c1985-
-editor in chief
KFF595.H36 1985
Florida real estate transactions / by Paul C. Gibson and D&S Publishers editorial staff; Williams S. Jula, editor in chief. Clearwater, FL: D&S Publishers, c1982- KFF126.G5 1982 v. 1
KFF126.G5 1982 v. 2
KFF126.G5 1982 v. 3
Georgia family law manual / by Anita M. Butler; William S. Jula, editor-in-chief. Clearwater, FL: D&S Publishers, c1985- KFG94.B88 1985 v. 1
KFG94.B88 1985 v. 2
Virginia condominium law / by Douglas S. MacGregor; William S. Jula, editor-in-chief. Clearwater, FL: D&S Publishers, c1987- KFV2514.C6 M33 1987
Kaczmarczyk, Joseph M Call No.
The physiological evaluation of a new analog of the tropane alkaloids. Williamsport, PA, 1974. QP921.A1 K3
Kadler, Eric H., 1922- Call No.
Literary figures in French drama (1784-1834) / [by] Eric H. Kadler. The Hague: Martinus Nijhoff, 1969. PQ538.K3
Keller, Jane C. Call No.
A handbook for adjunct/part-time faculty and teachers of adults / Donald Greive. Cleveland, OH: Info-Tec, 1995.

-Chapter 5: article, "Easy Techniques for Outcomes Assessment"
Teaching Shelf: LB2331.G72 1995
Kendig, Roscoe B. Call No.
An examination of historical materialism. Williamsport, PA, 1965. B809.8.K45
Kingery, Sandra Call No.
Balamkú / Xánath Caraza ; translated by Sandra Kingery. Chicago, IL : Pandora Lobo Estepario Productions, 2019. PS3603.A6939 B3 2019
Democracy in Europe : a political philosophy of the EU / Daniel Innerarity. [Translated by Sandra Kingery] Cham, Switzerland : Palgrave Macmillan, [2018] JN40 .I55 2018
The democracy of knowledge / Daniel Innerarity ; translated by Sandra Kingery. New York : Bloomsbury, 2013. HM651 .I56 2013
Donde la luz es violeta = Where the light is violet / by Xánath Caraza ; translated by Sandra Kingery. Lawrence, Kansas : Mammoth Publications, [2016] PS3603.A6939 D613 2016
The future and its enemies : in defense of political hope / Daniel Innerarity ; translated by Sandra Kingery. Stanford, California : Stanford University Press, 2012. JA71 .I55513 2012
Global issues in contemporary Hispanic women's writing : shaping gender, the environment, and politics / edited by Estrella Cibreiro and Francisca López. New York : Routledge, 2013.
- Policing social injustice: Alicia Giménez Bartlett’s Petra Delicado series.
PQ6055 .G56 2013
Governance in the new global disorder : politics for a post-sovereign society / Daniel Innerarity ; translated by Sandra Kingery ; foreword by Saskia Sassen. New York : Columbia University Press, [2016] JZ1318 .I5552 2016
Hudson / Xánath Caraza ; translated by Sandra Kingery. Granada, España : Editorial Nazarí, 2018. PS3603.A6939 H8 2018
Humanity at risk : the need for global governance / edited by Daniel Innerarity and Javier Solana ; articles in Spanish and French translated by Sandra Kingery and Stephen Williams. New York : Bloomsbury Academic, 2013. JA71 .P63135 2013
Julia / Ana María Moix ; translated by Sandra Kingery. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, c2004. PQ6663.O345 J813 2004
Lo que trae la marea / What the tide brings / Xánath Caraza ; translated by Sandra Kingery, en Holland-Wempe, and Xánath Caraza. El Paso, Texas : Mouthfeel Press, 2013. PS3603.A6939 Q48 2013
Metztli / Xánath Caraza ; traducción al inglés por Sandra Kingery y Kaitlyn Hipple. Estado de México : Capítulo Siete, 2018. PS3603.A6939 M4 2018
Ocelocíhuatl / by Xánath Caraza ; translated by Sandra Kingery. [Place of publication not identified] : Mouthfeel Press, 2015. PS3603.A6939 O34 2015
Of my real life I know nothing / by Ana Maria Moix ; translated from the Spanish by Sandra Kingery. Pittsburgh, Pa. : Latin American Literary Review Press, 2008. PQ6663.O345 D4613 2008
Politics in the times of indignation : the crisis of representative democracy / Daniel Innerarity ; translated by Sandra Kingery. London : Bloomsbury Academic, 2019.
JF799 .I5613 2019
Sílabas de viento = Syllables of wind / by Xánath Caraza ; translated by Sandra Kingery. Lawrence, Kansas : Mammoth Publications, [2014] PS3603.A6939 S5513 2014
Sin preámbulos = Without preamble : poems / by Xánath Caraza ; translated by Sandra Kingery. Kansas City, Kansas : Spartan Press, 2017. PS3603.A6939 S5613 2017
Tinta negra = Black ink / by Xánath Caraza ; translated by Sandra Kingery. Chicago, Illinois : Pandora Lobo Estepario Productions, [2015] PS3603.A6939 T513 2015
Welcome to Miami, Doctor Leal / by René Vázquez Díaz ; translated by Sandra Kingery. Pittsburgh, Pa. : Latin American Literary Review Press, 2009. PQ7390.V37 D413 2009
Corta la piel = It pierces the skin / by Xánath Caraza ; translated by Sandra Kingery. McAllen, Texas: Flowersong Books, 2020.

 PS3603.A6939 C6 2018
Ejercicio en la oscuridad = An exercise in the darkness / by Xánath Caraza ; translated by Sandra Kingery; illustrationas by Tudor Șerbănescu. Chicago, Oaxaca : Pandora Lobo Estepario Productions Press, 2021. PS3603.A6939 E54 2021
Knauth, Robin J. DeWitt Call No.
Dictionary of the Old Testament: Pentateuch / T. Desmond Alexander, David W. Baker. Downers Grove, IL.; Leicester, England: Intervarsity Press, 2003.
- Alien, Foreign Resident; Esau, Edomites; Israelites.
Ref. BS1225.52.D53 2003
Koehn, Steven C. Call No.
Teaching information literacy skills to social sciences students and practitioners : a casebook of applications / Douglas Cook and Natasha Cooper, editors. Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries, 2006.

-Chapter 5. A communication capstone project: a developmental model for undergraduate research skills training.
ZA3075 .T43 2006
Kolb, Bonita M. Call No.
Marketing cultural organisations : New strategies for attracting audiences to classical music, dance, museums, theatre and opera / Bonita M. Kolb. Dublin, Ireland: Oak Tree Press, 2000. PN1590.M27 K65 2000
Marketing for cultural organisations: New strategies for attracting audiences to classical music, dance, museums, theatre and opera / Bonita M. Kolb. 2nd ed. London: Thomson Learning, 2005. PN1590.M27 K65 2005
Marketing for cultural organizations : new strategies for attracting and engaging audiences / Bonita M. Kolb. 3rd ed. New York : Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2013. PN1590.M27 K65 2013
Marketing research for non-profit, community and creative organizations : how to improve your product, find customers and effectively promote your message / Bonita Kolb. Amsterdam ; London : Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, c2008. HF5415.2 .K65 2008
Shale gas and the future of energy : law and policy for sustainability / edited by John C. Dernbach, James R. May.Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, [2016]
- Sustainable housing in rural communities affected by shale gas development.
K3915 .S53 2016
Tourism marketing for cities and towns : using branding and events to attract tourism / Bonita M. Kolb. Amsterdam ; Boston : Elsevier/Butterworth-Heinemann, c2006. HT325 .K65 2006
Konkle, William Bastian, 1858-1928 Call No.
Literary selections of W. B. Konkle. / Comp. by Mrs. W. B. Konkle. Williamsport, PA: Phillips Press, 1932. Hist. R707.3.K58
Kramer, Lynn Darden Call No.
Physiological characterization of a new tropane analog: 3-benzyl-1, 5-diphenyl-9, 3-exazatricyclo ( 2,4) nonan-7-one. Williamsport, PA, 1972. QP921.A1 K68
Kulp, Christopher W. Call No.
Mathematical physics using Python : applications in physics and engineering / by Vasilis Pagonis and Christopher W. Kulp. Boca Raton : CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Group, 2024. QC20.7.E4 P34 2024
Handbook of applications of chaos theory / [edited by] Christos H Skiadas, Charilaos Skiadas. Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis, 2016. - Characterization of time series data QA320 .H35 2016
Selection : a tale of fate, AI & climate change / by Chris Kulp. Monkton, MD : Making Adventure Publishing, 2023, 2024 printing PS3611.U455 S4 2023
Lady, R. Andrew Call No.
The relationship of mental manipulation of spatial relations, intelligence, and kinesthetic-motor reproduction of spatial relations. [State College, PA], 1951. QP491.L28 R45
A case study of the Foundation for Independent Colleges, Inc., of Pennsylvania: An examination of the attitudes and opinions of member presidents toward this organization. A thesis in higher education. / R. Andrew Lady [State College, PA], 1967. LB2342.L28 C32 1967
Lamade, Charles Deitrick Call No.
The effects of coricosterone replacement therapy on levels of spontaneous activity in rats bearing bilateral ventromedial hypothalmic lesions. Williamsport, PA, 1975. QP359.L3
Landon, Jane Keyte Call No.
The story of Frederic Chopin / by Jane Keyte. Williamsport, PA, 1992. ML410.C54 L3
Lantz, Herman R. Call No.
People of Coal Town / by Herman R. Lantz, with the assistance of J. S. McCrary. New York: Columbia University Press, 1958. HN57.L33
Larson, Robert H. Call No.
The British Army and the theory of armored warfare, 1918-1940 / Robert H. Larson. Newark: University of Delaware Press; London: Associated University Presses, c1984. UG446.5.L293 1984
Williamsport: frontier village to regional center / Robert H. Larson, Richard J. Morris, John F. Piper, Jr. Woodland Hills, CA: Windsor Publications, 1984. Hist. f F159.W7 L37 1984
Hist. f F159.W7 L37 1984 c. 2
f F159.W7 L37 1984 c. 3
f F159.W7 L37 1984 c. 5
Williamsport: frontier village to regional center / Robert H. Larson, Richard J. Morris, John F. Piper, Jr. Tarzana, Calif. : Preferred Marketing, 1996. Hist. f F159.W7 L37 1996
f F159.W7 L37 1996
Leiter, Andrew B. Call No.
Faulkner and García Márquez / edited by Christopher Rieger and Andrew B. Leiter. Cape Girardeau, MO : Southeast Missouri State University Press, 2020. PS3511.A86 Z7831154 2020
Eudora Welty and mystery: hidden in plain sight ; edited by Jacob Agner and Harriet Pollack. Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, [2023]
- Detecting the Forbidden Fruit in Eudora Welty's The Golden Apples
PS3545.E6 Z55 2023
Faulkner and Hemingway / edited by Christopher Rieger and Andrew B. Leiter. Cape Girardeau, MO : Southeast Missouri State University Press, 2018.
- Rotten Logs and Mud Holes: Bildungsroman, Sex, and the Other in Faulkner and Hemingway.
PS3511.A86 Z78321154 2016
Faulkner and history / Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 2014 ; edited by Jay Watson and James G. Thomas, Jr. Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, [2017]
- Monuments, Memory, and Faulkner's Nathan Bedford Forrest
PS3511.A86 Z7832113 2014
Faulkner and Hurston / edited by Christopher Rieger and Andrew B. Leiter. Cape Girardeau, MO : published for the Center for Faulkner Studies by Southeast Missouri State University Press, 2017.
- To live a "black" life: Hurston's Their Eyes were Watching God as source for Faulkner's The Wild Palms
PS3511.A86 Z783211163 2017
Faulkner and the black literatures of the Americas : Faulkner and Yoknapatawpha, 2013 / edited by Jay Watson and James G. Thomas, Jr. Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, [2016]
- Miscegenation and Progression: the First Americans of Jean Toomer and William Faulkner
PS3511.A86 Z78321137 2013
Faulkner and Warren / edited by Christopher Rieger & Robert W. Hamblin. Cape Girardeau, MO : Published for the Center for Faulkner Studies by Southeast Missouri State University Press, 2015.
- Civil War Evasions: Race in Faulkner's "Mountain Victory" and Warren's "Wilderness"
PS3511.A86 Z7831154 2015
In the shadow of the Black beast : African American masculinity in the Harlem and Southern renaissances / Andrew B. Leiter. Baton Rouge : Louisiana State University Press, c2010. PS374.N4 L45 2010
Southerners on film : essays on Hollywood portrayals since the 1970s / edited by Andrew B. Leiter. Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, c2011. PN1995.9.S66 S68 2011
Wise blood : a re-consideration / edited by John J. Han. Amsterdam ; New York : Rodopi, c2011.
-Comedy and the Anti-existential in Flannery O'Connor's Wise-Blood.
PS3565.C57 W538 2011
Lerna Call No.
Dreaming of Ireland ; a journal of discovery through music, art, and language / by Lerna. Brattleboro, VT : [s.n.], 2008. DA978.2 .L4 2008
Lesko, Diane Call No.
James Ensor, the creative years / by Diane Lesko. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, c1985. N6973.E5 L47 1985
Lewes, Darby Call No.
Auto-poetica : representations of the creative process in nineteenth-century British and American fiction / edited by Darby Lewes. Lanham, MD : Lexington Books, c2006. PR868.A794 A98 2006
Dream revisionaries : gender and genre in women's utopian fiction, 1870-1920 / Darby Lewes. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, c1995. PR830.U7 L4 1995
Double vision : literary palimpsests of the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries / edited by Darby Lewes. Lanham, MD : Lexington Books, c2008. PR453 .D68 2008
Nudes from nowhere : Utopian sexual landscapes/
Darby Lewes. Lanham, MD: Rowman and Littlefield, 2000.
PR408.W65 L49 2000
A Brighter morn : The Shelley Circle's utopian project / [edited by] Darby Lewes. Lanham, MD: Lexington Books, 2003. PR5442.S58 B75 2003
A Portrait of the student as a young wolf : motivating undergraduates / Darby Lewes and Bobby Stiklus. Pennsdale, PA: Folly Hill Press, 2003. Teaching Shelf: LB1065.L48 2003
A Portrait of the student as a young wolf : motivating undergraduates / Darby Lewes and Bobby Stiklus. Pennsdale, PA: Folly Hill Press, 2007. Teaching Shelf: LB1065.L48 2007
Little, Arlene H. Call No.
Inhibition and suppression in instrumental conditioning: a suggestion for differentiation. Williamsport, PA, 1967. BF76.5.L54
Long, Pat Call No.
As the pretzel rolls : an almost daily occurrence of the offbeat happenings to a pretzel store owner in her own little Pretzel Land / Pat Long. Maitland, Florida : Mill City Press, Inc., 2018. TX770.P73 L6 2018
Lopez-Medina, Justin Call No.
Perspectives on community-based corrections / Justin Lopez-Medina and Jillian Eidson. New York : Oxford University Press, [2024] HV9275 .L67 2024
Lovell, Glenn Call No.
Escape artist : the life and films of John Sturges / Glenn Lovell. Madison, Wis. : University of Wisconsin Press, c2008. PN1998.3.S779 L68 2008
Tender comrades : a backstory of the Hollywood blacklist / Patrick McGilligan and Paul Buhle ; photographs by Alison Morley and William B. Winburn. 1st ed. New York : St. Martin's Press, 1997.
- Marsha Hunt
PN1590.B5 M35 1997
Loyer, Milton W. Call No.
Letters to prison : a fresh look at the Gospel of Mark / Milton W. Loyer. Morgantown, PA : Masthof Press, 2023 BS2585.55 .L68 2023
Contributions of Williamsport PA to American Gospel music / Milton W. Loyer. Williamsport, PA, 2004. Hist. ML3187.L6 2004
Lundgren, Miriam V. McAllister. Call No.
A pile of sand / Miriam V. Lundgren. [S.l. : s.n.], c1997. PS3562.U543 P5 1997
Then sings my soul : an autobiography of my places / Miriam V. McAllister Lundgren. New York : Vantage Press, c2002. Archives BX8495.L86 A3 2002
MacKenzie, Paul A. Call No.
Caritas Pirckheimer : a journal of the Reformation years, 1524-1528 / translated from the German with introduction, notes and interpretive essay, Paul A. MacKenzie. Cambridge [England] : D.S. Brewer, 2006. BX4705.P5 C285 2006
Macy, Marisa Call No.
Developmental screening in your community : an
integrated approach for connecting children with services /
Diane Bricker, Marisa Macy, Jane Squires, and Kevin Marks. Baltimore : Paul H. Brookes Publishing Co., [2013]
RJ131 .B73 2013
Maiolo, John R. Call No.
Hard times and a nickel a bucket: struggle and survival in North Carolina's shrimp industry / John R. Maiolo. [Chapel Hill, NC]: Chapel Hill Press, 2004. SH380.62.U6 M35 2004
Facing our future: Hurricane Floyd and recovery in the coastal plain / edited by John R. Maiolo [and others]. Wilmington, NC: Coastal Carolina Press, ©2001.

QC945.F33 2001
Makos, Adam Call No.
Devotion : an epic story of heroism, friendship, and sacrifice / Adam Makos. New York : Ballantine Books, [2015] DS918.A553 M36 2015
A higher call / Adam Makos with Larry Alexander. New York : Berkley Books, c2013. D785 .M34 2013
Spearhead : an American tank gunner, his enemy, and a collision of lives in World War II / by Adam Makos. New York : Ballantine Books, [2019] D769.3055 32nd .M34 2019
Voices of the Pacific : untold stories from the Marine heroes of World War II / Adam Makos ; with Marcus Brotherton. New York : Berkley Books, [2013] D767.9 .M35 2013
Manherz, C. Edgar Call No.
Poems from the heart / by Rev. C. Edgar Manherz. [s.l. : s.n.]. PS3563.A4356 .P6
Manning, Walter H. Call No.
Clinical decision making in fluency disorders / Walter H. Manning. San Diego: Singular Thomson Learning, 2000. RC424.M194 2000
Clinical decision making in fluency disorders / Walter H. Manning. 3rd ed. Clifton Park, NY : Delmar Cengage Learning, c2010. RC424 .M194 2010
Clinical decision making in the diagnosis and treatment of fluency disorders / Walter H. Manning. Albany, NY: Delmar Publishers, c1996. RC424.M194 1996
Marcello, David Call No.
Thinking. Williamsport, PA, 1974. BF455.M34
Mathews, James K. (James Kenneth), 1913- Call No.
The matchless weapon, satyagrapha / James K. Mathews. Bombay: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan, 1989. DS481.G3 M343 1989
Mayer, Marian Call No.
Mediated women: representations in popular culture / edited by Marian Mayer. Cresskill, N.J: Hampton Press, c1999. HQ1421.M43 1999
McAllister, Pam Call No.
The bedside, bathtub, and armchair companion to Mark Twain / Pam McAllister. New York : Continuum, c2008. PS1331 .M2215 2008
The bedside, bathtub & armchair companion to Shakespeare / Dick Riley & Pam McAllister. New York : Continuum, 2001. PR2895 .R5 2001
The bedside, bathtub & armchair companion to Sherlock Holmes / Dick Riley & Pam McAllister. New York : Continuum, 1999. PR4624 .R55 1999
Death defying : dismantling the execution machinery in 21st century U.S.A. / Pam McAllister. New York : Continuum, 2003. HV8699.U5 M38 2003
Lois Waisbrooker's A sex revolution : with an introduction by Pam McAllister, Women in the lead, Waisbrooker's way to peace. Philadelphia, PA : New Society Publishers, c1985. HQ1419 .W27 1985
The new bedside, bathtub and armchair companion to Agatha Christie / edited by Dick Riley and Pam McAllister; additional material edited by Pam McAllister and Bruce Cassiday; foreword by Julian Symons. New York: Ungar, c1986.

-The Hound of Death; Crime, Class, and Country in Christie's Mysteries; Ten Little Who?; Darmoor-The Deadly Heath; The Adventure of the Christmas Pudding; The Mirror Crack'd; "How Do You Feel About That, Jane?" If I Were Miss Marple's Shrink-A Fantasy; Sleeping Murder; Agatha in the Eighties; The Impact of Gender on Agatha and Her Craft.
PR6005.H66 Z557 1986
Reweaving the web of life: feminism and nonviolence / edited by Pam McAllister. Philadelphia, PA: New Society Publishers, 1982. HQ1426.R49 1982
Standing in the need of prayer : devotions for Christians in prison / by Pam McAllister. Louisville, KY : Criminal Justice Program with assistance from the Evangelism and Church Development Program, National Ministries Division, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), 1997. BV4595 .M22 1997
This river of courage : generations of women's resistance and action / Pam McAllister. Philadelphia : New Society Publishers, c1991. HQ1236 .M37 1991
You can't kill the spirit / Pam McAllister. Philadelphia, PA: New Society Publishers, c1988. HN49.W6 M35 1988
McCall, Betty L. Call No.
Information literacy : research and collaboration across disciplines / edited by Barbara J. D'Angelo, Sandra Jamieson, Barry Maid, and Janice R. Walker. Fort Collins, Colorado : The WAC Clearinghouse ; Boulder : University Press of Colorado, [2016]
- Building critical researchers and writers incrementally : vital partnerships between faculty and librarians
ZA3075 .I544 2016
McCready, D. Freemont (David Freemont) Call No.
Verse from a free mind / D. Freemont McCready. [Philadelphia, Pa.] : Xlibris Corp, c2008. PS3613.C3834 V47 2008
Mengle, Kathy Call No.
Tools for healing: working toward harmony and balance / Kathy Mengle. Marina del Rey, CA: DeVorss, c1984. RA780.5.M46 1984
Mesa Morales, Maybel Call No.
Cinematic landscape and emerging identities in contemporary Latin American film / edited by María Soledad Paz-Mackay and Argelia González Hurtado. Lanham : Lexington Books, 2024.
-Chapter 12: Landscapes of Haptic Visualities and Affects: A Conversation with Cuban Filmmaker Patricia Ramos
PN1993.5.L3 C53 2024
Miers, Glenn L. Call No.
Modern American music / by G. L. Miers. Williamsport, PA, 1953. ML200.5.M48
Miller, William R. Call No.
The Addictive behaviors: treatment of alcoholism, drug abuse, smoking, and obesity / edited by William R. Miller. Oxford ; New York : Pergamon Press, 1980.
-Chapter 1, 2
RC564 .A32 1980
Adjustment: the psychology of change / William R. Miller, Carolina E. Yahne, John M. Rhodes. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, c1990. BF335 .M54 1990
Alcohol use and abuse: the social and health effects; reports and recommendations by the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). New York: Office of Social Welfare/Program Relations, Program Agency, [1986]. HV5186.P74 A426 1986
Behavior therapy and religion: integration spiritual and behavioral approaches to change / edited by William R. Miller, John E. Martin. Newbury Park, CA: Sage Publications, c1988.
-Chapter 1, 4
RC489.B4 B43513 1988
Form 90: a structured assessment interview for drinking and related behaviors: test manual / William R. Miller. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, 1996.
-principal investigator
RC565.M556 1996
Handbook of alcoholism treatment approaches: effective alternatives / edited by Reid K. Hester, Williams R. Miller. Boston: Allyn and Bacon, c1995.
-Chapter 1, 2, 4, 5
RC565.H26 1995
How to control your drinking / William R. Miller, Ricardo F. Muanoz. Albuquerque: University of New Mexico Press, c1982. RC565.M445 1982
Improving compliance with alcoholism treatment / edited by Kathleen M. Carroll. Bethesda, MD: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, [1997].
-Principal and co-investigator at the site
RC565.I466 1997
Living as if: how positive faith can change your life / William R. Miller. Philadelphia: Westminster Press, c1985. BV4637.M5 1984
Manual supplement for the Brief drinker profile, Follow-up drinker profile, Collateral interview form / William R. Miller and G. Alan Marlatt. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, 1987. RC565.M448 1987
Manual supplement for the Comprehensive Drinker Profile / William R. Miller and G. Alan Marlatt. Odessa, FL: Psychological Assessment Resources, c1984. RC565.M446 1984
Motivational enhancement therapy manual: a clinical research guide for therapists treating individuals with alcohol abuse and dependence / by William R. Miller… [et al.]. Rockville, MD: U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, [1995].
-principal and coinvestigator
RC565.M68 1995
Motivational interviewing: preparing people to change addictive behavior / William R. Miller, Stephen Rollnick. New York: Guilford Press, c1991. RC533.M56 1991
Practical psychology for pastors / William R. Miller, Kathleen A. Jackson. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, c1985. BV4012.M55 1985
Practical psychology for pastors / William R. Miller, Kathleen A. Jackson. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, c1995. BV4012.M55 1995
Quantum Change/ William R. Miller, Janet C' de Baca.
New York: Guilford Press, c 2001.
BF637.C4.M55 2001
Research on Alcoholics Anonymous: opportunities and alternatives / edited by Barbara S. McGrady and William R. Miller. New Brunswick, NJ: Rutgers Center of Alcohol Studies, c1993.

-Chapter 1, 16
HV5278.R47 1993
The drinker inventory of consequences (DrInC): an instrument for assessing adverse consequences of alcohol abuse: test manual / William R. Miller, J. Scott Tonigan, and Richard Longabaugh. Rockville, MD: U.S. Dept of Health and Human Services, Public Health Service, National Institutes of Health, National Institutes on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, [1995].
-preface, primary investigator
RC565.M55 1995
Treating addictive behaviors: processes of change / edited by William R. Miller and Nick Heather. New York: Plenum Press, c1986.
-Chapter 7, 8
RC533.T73 1986
Understanding alcoholism and problem drinking / William R. Miller, Vitali Rozynko and Samuel R. Hamburg. Davis, CA: International Dialogue Press, c1983. HV5292.M54 1983
Minick, Jim, 1964- Call No.
The intimacy of spoons : poems / Jim Minick. Lake Dallas, Texas : Madville Publishing, [2024]. PS3613.I6253 I58 2024
Without warning : the tornado of Udall, Kansas / Jim Minick. Lincoln : University of Nebraska Press, 2023. QC955.5.U6 M56 2023
The blueberry years : a memoir of farm and family / Jim Minick. New York : Thomas Dunne Books, 2010. SB63.M64 A3 2010
Burning heaven / Jim Minick. Nicholasville, KY : Wind Publications, c2008. PS3613.I653 B87 2008
Finding a clear path / Jim Minick. Morgantown, W. Va. : Vandalia Press, 2005. QH105.V8 M53 2005
Her secret song / Jim Minick. Louisville, Ky. : Motes Books, c2008. PS3613.I653 H47 2008
All there is to keep: poems / Rita Sizemore Riddle ; edited by Jim Minick. Oak Ridge, Tenn. : Iris Press, 2008.

PS3568.I3585 A76 2008
Fire is your water : a novel / Jim Minick. Athens, Ohio : Swallow Press, 2017. PS3613.I6253 F57 2017
Mix, Richard L. Call No.
A bicentennial postcard history of Williamsport, 1806-2006 / by Richard and Miriam Mix. Williamsport, Pa. : Lycoming County Genealogical Society, 2005. Hist. F159.W7 M59 2005
Mobberley, David G. Call No.
The Deanship of the liberal arts college (Studies in Christian higher education, no. 8) / David G. Mobberley and Myron F. Wicke. Nashville, TN: The Board of Education of the Methodist Church, 1962. LB2341 .M6
Mojzes, Paul B. Call No.
Reader in perspectives on religion / edited by O. Thompson Rhodes, J. Preston Cole and Paul B. Mojzes. Williamsport, PA: Lycoming College, 1969. BL25.R32
BL25.R32 c. 2
Moran, Emily Call No.
Games and gamification in academic libraries / edited by Stephanie Crowe, Eva Sclippa. Chicago, Illinois: Association of College and Research Libraries, 2020.
- Lessons Learned from Circulating a Tabletop Game Collection at a Small Academic Library
Z716.33 .G35 2020
Morelli, Michael J. Call No.
A concise guide to culinary management / Michael J. Morelli. Lexington, KY. 2018. TX911.3.M27 .M67 2018
Morris, Richard J. Call No.
Williamsport: frontier village to regional center / Robert H. Larson, Richard J. Morris, John F. Piper, Jr. Woodland Hills, CA: Windsor Publications, 1984. Hist. f F159.W7 L37 1984
Hist. f F159.W7 L37 1984 c. 2
f F159.W7 L37 1984 c. 3
f F159.W7 L37 1984 c. 5
Williamsport: frontier village to regional center / Robert H. Larson, Richard J. Morris, John F. Piper, Jr. Tarzana, Calif. : Preferred Marketing, 1996. Hist. f F159.W7 L37 1996
f F159.W7 L37 1996
Moses, Carole Call No.
Jane Austen's pride and prejudice / edited and with an introduction by Harold Bloom. Updated ed. New York : Bloom's Literary Criticism, c2007.

-Jane Austen and Elizabeth Bennet : the limits of irony
PR4034.P72 J36 2007
Melville's use of Spenser / Carole Moses. New York: P. Lang, c1989. PS2388.L5 M67 1989
Process, purpose, practice: a basic writer's guide / Carole Moses. Lexington, MA: D.C. Heath, 1991. PE1404.M5 1991
Munson, Jessica Call No.
The Oxford handbook of archaeological network research / edited by Tom Brughmans, Barbara J. Mills, Jessica Munson, and Matthew A. Peeples. Oxford, United Kingdom ; New York, NY : Oxford University Press, 2024. CC83 .O94 2024
Musheno, Michael Craig Call No.
Between law and culture / David Theo Goldberg, Michael Musheno, and Lisa C. Bower. Minneapolis, London: University of Minnesota Press, c2001. K487.C8 B48 2001
Cops, teachers, counselors; stories from the front lines of
public service
/ Steven Maynard-Moody and Michael Musheno. Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press, c2003.
HV40.8.U6 M39 2003
Criminal justice in America : law in action / James P. Levine, Michael C. Musheno, Dennis J. Palumbo. HV9950 .L48 1986
Deployed : how reservists bear the burden of Iraq / Michael Musheno and Susan M. Ross. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c2008. DS79.76 .M88 2008
Knowing rights : state actors' stories of power, identity, and morality / Trish Oberweis, Michael Musheno. Aldershot, UK; Burlington, VT: Ashgate, c2001. HN90.P6 O24 2001
Navigating conflict : how youth handle trouble in a high-poverty school / Calvin Morrill and Michael Musheno. Chicago : The University of Chicago Press, 2018. HQ799.2.P44 M677 2018
Sources of public pressure. Williamsport, PA, 1969. KF4990.M82 (archives)
Niskala, Brandon Call No.
Handbook of applications of chaos theory / [edited by] Christos H Skiadas, Charilaos Skiadas. Boca Raton : Taylor & Francis, 2016.
- Characterization of time series data
QA320 .H35 2016
Oberlin, Jessica Urick Call No.
Snapshots of reality : a practical guide to formative assessment in library instruction / by Mary Snyder Broussard, Rachel Hickoff-Cresko, and Jessica Urick Oberlin. Chicago : Association of College and Research Libraries, a division of the American Library Association, 2014. ZA3075 .B76 2014
O'Brien, Richard M. Call No.
Industrial behavior modification: A management handbook / Richard M. O'Brien, Alyce M. Dickinson, and Michael P. Rosow. New York, NY: Pergamon, c1982. HD5807.I53 1982
Total golf: A behavioral approach to lowering your score and getting more out of your game / Thomas C. Simek and Richard M. O'Brien. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, c1981. GV979.P75 S57
O'Toole, Judith Hansen Call No.
Severin Roesen / Judith Hansen O'Toole. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press; Toronto: Associated University Presses, 1992. f ND237.R713 O86 1992
Owens, J. T. Call No.
What is life and who am I? : fundamental principles of the primordian philosophy / J. T. Owens. Bloomington, IN : AuthorHouse, 2011. BD431 .O77 2011
Pagana, Kathleen Deska Call No.
Bread, butter and beyond : dining etiquette / Kathleen D. Pagana. Williamsport, Pa. : Layco Publishing, 2006. BJ2041 .P3 2006
Diagnostic testing and nursing implications: A case study approach / Kathleen Deska Pagana, Timothy James Pagana. St. Louis: C. V. Mosby, c1982. RT48.P33
Diagnostic testing & nursing implications : a case study approach / Kathleen Deska Pagana, Timothy James Pagana. St. Louis : Mosby, 1994. RT48.5 .P32 1994
Diagnostic testing & nursing implications : a case study approach / Kathleen Deska Pagana, Timothy James Pagana. St. Louis : Mosby, 1999. RT48.5 .P32 1998
Mosby's diagnostic laboratory test reference / Kathleen Deska Pagana, Timothy James Pagana. St. Louis: Mosby-Year Book, c1992. RB37.P24 1992
Mosby's diagnostic laboratory test reference / Kathleen Deska Pagana, Timothy James Pagana. St. Louis: Mosby, c1995. RB37.P24 1995
Mosby's diagnostic laboratory test reference / Kathleen Deska Pagana, Timothy James Pagana. St. Louis: Mosby, c1997. RB37.P24 1997
Mosby's diagnostic laboratory test reference / Kathleen Deska Pagana, Timothy James Pagana. St. Louis: Mosby, c2000. RB38.2.P33 2000
Mosby's Diagnostic and Laboratory Test Reference / Kathleen Deska Pagana, PhD, RN, Timothy J. Pagana, MD, FACS, Theresa Noel Pagana, MD, FAAEM. St. Louis, Missouri : Elsevier, [2017] RB38.2 .P337 2017
Mosby's manual of diagnostic and laboratory tests / Kathleen Deska Pagana, Timothy James Pagana. St. Louis : Mosby, 1998. RB38.2 .P34 1998
Understanding medical testing / Kathleen Deska Pagana, Timothy James Pagana. New York: New American Library; [St. Louis]: Mosby, [1983]. RC71.3.P33 c. 2
Pearl, Christopher R. Call No.

Declarations of independence : indigenous resilience, colonial rivalries, and the cost of revolution / Christopher R. Pearl. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2024.

F157.W9 P29 2024

Conceived in crisis: the revolutionary creation of an American state / Christopher R. Pearl. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2020.

F152.P269 2020

From Independence to the U.S. Constitution / edited by Christopher R. Pearl and Douglas Bradburn. Charlottesville: University of Virginia Press, 2022.

E303.F766 2022
Pillow, Robert IV Call No.
Unspoken reality : lessons learned / Robert Pillow IV. [s.l.] : Xlibris, 2013. PS3616.I4635 U65 2013
Piper, David Robinson Call No.
Treasure chest adventures : 23 action stories / David Robinson Piper. Bloomington, Ind. : AuthorHouse, 2004. PS3566.I5755 T7 2004
Piper, John F. Call No.
The American churches in World War I / John F. Piper, Jr. Athens, OH: Ohio University Press, c1985 D639.R4 P57 1985
The Encyclopedia of Protestantism / edited by Hans J. Hillerbrand.
New York: Routledge, c2004.
-v. 1: Coffin, Henry Sloane (1877-1954)
-v. 2: Fosdick, Harry Emerson (1878-1969)
Free Church Federal Council
-v. 3: Peale, Norman Vincent (1898-1993)
Robinson, Henry Wheeler (1872-1945)
Ref.BX.4811.3 .E53 2004
Looking to the river : an original documentary film / Greg Matkosky ; [presented by] WVIA. [Pittston, Pa.] : WVIA, 2005. DVD F Loo 0285
Lycoming College, 1812-2012 : on the frontiers of American education / John F. Piper, Jr. Lanham, Md. : Bucknell University Press co-published with the Rowman & Littlefield, 2011. LD3141.L865 P57 2011
Millionaires Row Historic District, property owner's guide, Williamsport, Pennsylania. S.l.: s.n., 1997?] Hist. NA108.W5 M5 1997
Quest for faith, quest for freedom: aspects of Pennsylvania's religious experience / edited by Otto Reimherr. Selinsgrove, PA: Susquehanna University Press; London: Associated University Presses, c1987.
-Chapter five: Bishop Asbury in Penn's Woods (p. 86-98)
BL2527.P4 Q47 1987
Robert E. Speer: prophet of the American church / John F. Piper, Jr. Louisville, KY: Geneva Press, c2000. BX9225.S643 P57 2000
Williamsport: frontier village to regional center / Robert H. Larson, Richard J. Morris, John F. Piper, Jr. Woodland Hills, CA: Windsor Publications, 1984.
-author and picture research
Hist. f F159.W7 L37 1984
Hist. f F159.W7 L37 1984 c. 2
f F159.W7 L37 1984 c. 3
f F159.W7 L37 1984 c. 5
Williamsport: frontier village to regional center / Robert H. Larson, Richard J. Morris, John F. Piper, Jr. Tarzana, Calif. : Preferred Marketing, 1996. Hist. f F159.W7 L37 1996
f F159.W7 L37 1996
Pittenger, Wilbur B., Jr. Call No.
A sociological analysis of deviant behavior. Williamsport, PA, 1970. HM291.P5 (archives)
Polcyn, Kenneth A. Call No.
An educator's guide to communication satellite technology/ Kenneth A. Polcyn. Pref.:Howard Hitchens. Introd.: Philip H. Coombs. Graphics: Gaynelle Moore. Cover design: Eric Walker. Washington: Information Center on Instructional Technology, 1973. LB10447.P59
Mistresses among us! : a novel / Kenneth A. Polcyn. [Philadelphia, Penn.] : Xlibris Corp., c2008. PS3616.O562 M5 2008
Outsourcing: PEO to HRO operational issues/ Kenneth A. Polcyn. Xlibris Corporation, 2003. HF5549.5 .E425 P65 2003
The employment revolution with PEO : the new employment business in the USA / (in Japanese) Kenneth A. Polcyn and Hiroshi Karibe. Tokoyo : Book Publishing Bureau, Toyo Keizai Inc., 2004. College Archives
Postal, Valerie Call No.
Intellectual and developmental disabilities : toward full community inclusion / Paul Wehman, Phillip J. McLaughlin, Therese Wehman. 3rd ed. Austin, Tex. : Pro-Ed, c2005.

- Chapter 1 : Service delivery
HV1570 .I68 2005
Preston, Todd Call No.
King Alfred's book of laws : a study of the Domboc and its influence on English identity, with a complete translation / Todd Preston. Jefferson, N.C. : McFarland, c2012. KD543 .P74 2012
Priest, Loring Benson Call No.
Indian-White relations: a persistent paradox: [papers and proceedings of the National Archives Conference on Research in the History of Indian-White Relations, June 15-16, 1972, the National Archives Building/ Washington, DC] / edited by Jane Smith. Washington, DC: Howard University Press, 1976.
-Chapter two's Introduction
E93.N24 1972
The Indian in American history. New York: Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, [1971].
-Assimilation or Preservation: The Dawes Act and Indian Reform
Uncle Sam's stepchildren: the reformation of United States Indian policy, 1865-1887 / Loring Benson Priest. Lincoln: University of Nebraska Press, 1975, c1942. E93.P95
E93.P95 c. 2
Protasio, John Call No.
Reflections on the Lusitania : insights into naval, diplomatic, and other aspects of the disaster / John Protasio. Baltimore, MD : PublishAmerica, c2006. D592.L8 P78 2006
The day the world was shocked : the Lusitania disaster and its influence on the course of World War I / John Protasio. Philadelphia ; Newbury : Casemate, 2011. D592.L8 P76 2011
To the bottom of the sea : true accounts of major ship disasters / John Protasio. London : Robson, 1991.  G525 .P83 1991
The World's worst disasters at sea : true accounts of major ship catastrophes / John Protasio. New York, N.Y. : S.P.I. Books, 1993, ©1990. G525 .P83 1993 
Rader, F. Christian Call No.
Unconditional dad : a father and pastor's journey through the words: "Dad, I'm gay" / Chris Rader. [Place of publication not identified] Xulon Press, 2011. HQ759.9145 .R3 2011
Ramsey, Howard Lyn Call No.
The place of Galatians in the career of Paul / Howard Lyn Ramsey. 1960. BS2685.2.R28
Rhodes, O. Thompson Call No.
Reader in perspectives on religion / edited by O. Thompson Rhodes, J. Preston Cole and Paul B. Mojzes. Williamsport, PA: Lycoming College, 1969. BL25.R32
BL25.R32 c. 2
Richmond, Kerry Call No.
The social history of crime and punishment in America : an encyclopedia / Wilbur R. Miller, editor. Thousand Oaks, Calif. : SAGE, c2012.
- Prison privatization
- Prison riots
Ref. HV6779 .S63 2012
Ridge, Dorothy Kirk, R.N., C. Call No.
Nursing home or board and care: making the right choice / Dorothy Kirk Ridge, R.N., C. Bedford, MA: Mills and Sanderson, Publishers, 1993. RA997.R52 1993
Rife, David Call No.
Jazz fiction : a history and comprehensive reader's guide / David Rife. Lanham, Md. : Scarecrow Press, 2008. Ref. PN3352.J39 R54 2008
The jazz fiction anthology / edited by Sascha Feinstein and David Rife. Bloomington : Indiana University Press, c2009. PN6120.2 .J37 2009
Robinson, Stephen Edward Call No.
The Testament of Adam: an examination of the Syriac and Greek traditions / Stephen Edward Robinson. Chico, CA: Scholars Press, c1982. BS1830.T142 R62 1982
Roskin, Michael Call No.
Countries and concepts: an introduction to comparative politics / Michael G. Roskin. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, c1982. JF51.R54
Countries and concepts: an introduction to comparative politics / Michael G. Roskin. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, c1992. JF51.R54 1992
Countries and concepts: politics, geography, culture / Michael G. Roskin. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, c2001. JF51.R54 2001
Countries and concepts: politics, geography, culture / Michael G. Roskin. 10th ed. New York : Pearson/Longman, c2009. JF51.R54 2009
Hard road to democracy : four developing nations / Michael G. Roskin. Upper Saddle River, NJ : Prentice Hall, c2001. JF60 .R67 2001
IR The New World of International Relations / Michael G. Roskin.
Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall, c2002.
JZ1242.R67 2002
IR : the new world of international relations / Michael G. Roskin, Nicholas O. Berry. 8th ed. San Francisco : Longman, c2010. JZ1242.R67 2010
Other governments of Europe: Sweden, Spain, Italy, Yugoslavia, and East Germany / Michael Roskin. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, c1977. JN5.R67
JN5.R67 c. 2
Political science: an introduction / Michael G. Roskin…[et al.]. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, c1988. JA71.P623 1988
Political science: an introduction / Michael G. Roskin…[et al.]. 10th ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall, c2008. JA71.P623 2008
Political science : an introduction / Michael G. Roskin ... [et al.].
11th ed. Boston : Longman, c2010.
JA71.P623 2010
Politics of the Middle East / Michael G. Roskin and James J. Coyle. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc., c2004. DS44.R745 2004
The rebirth of East Europe / Michael G. Roskin. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, c1991. DJK42.R67 1991
Politics of the Middle East : cultures and conflicts / Michael G. Roskin, James J. Coyle. DS44 .R745 2008
Ross, Joseph Tressler Call No.
Process philosophy and interpretation of eschatology. Williamsport, PA, 1973. BT823.R62 1973
Ross, Susan M. Call No.
American families past and present : social perspectives on transformations / edited by Susan M. Ross. New Brunswick, N.J. : Rutgers University Press, c2006. HQ535 .A5853 2006
Corporal Punishment in Theoretical Perspective / edited by Michael Donnelly and Murray A. Straus. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2005.

-Chapter 19: Corporal Punishment and Black's Theory of Social Control (James Tucker and Susan Ross)
HQ770.4.C66 2005
Deployed : how reservists bear the burden of Iraq / Michael Musheno and Susan M. Ross. Ann Arbor : University of Michigan Press, c2008. DS79.76 .M88 2008
Rothfuss, Paul H.D. Call No.
Wiggles, winks & wizards : Paul & Kerby's great adventure / Paul H. D. Rothfuss. Minneapolis, MN : R/L Publishing, 2020. HE8694 .R67 2020
Saunders, Sue Call No.
The professional student affairs administrator : educator, leader, and manager / Roger B. Winston, Jr., Don G. Creamer, Theodore K. Miller, and associates ; Stuart J. Brown ... [et al.]. New York : Brunner-Routledge, c2001.

-Part IV Chapter 12: Programmatic Interventions: Translating Theory to Practice
LB2342.92 .W56 2001
Seddelmeyer, Laura Call No.

Temple of peace: international cooperation and stability since 1945 / edited by Ingo Trauschweizer. Athens: Ohio University Press, 2021.
Shaping Australia into a neighborhood power : decolonization, vulnerability, and the Cold War

Sharp, Stephen Call No.
50+ tech tools for school counselors: how to be more engaging, efficient, and effective / Angela Cleveland, Stephen Sharp. Thousand Oaks, California: Corwin, [2019].

 LB1027.6.C54 2019
Shipman, Neil J. Call No.
Effective time-management techniques for school administrators / Neil J. Shipman…[et al.]. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice-Hall, c1983. f LB2831.6.E39 1983
Shortess, George Seidel, Call No.
The devil syndrome / George S. Shortess. New York: Vantage Press, 1979. PS3569.H67 D4 1979
Shue, Helen W. Call No.
A new owner's guide to dalmations / Helen W. Shue. Neptune City, NJ: T.F.H. Publications, c1996. SF429.D3 S58 1996
Silkey, Sarah L. Call No.
Black woman reformer : Ida B. Wells, lynching, and transatlantic activism / Sarah L. Silkey. Athens, GA : The University of Georgia Press, [2014] E185.97.W55 S55 2014
Simek, Thomas C. Call No.
Total golf: a behavioral approach to lowering your score and getting more out of your game / Thomas C. Simek and Richard M. O'Brien; illustrated by Phillip Jones, photos. by George R. Schenk. Garden City, NY: Doubleday, 1981. GV979.P75 S57
Slocum, Russell H. Call No.
The Bit Ching book of change : reinterpreting the ancient wisdom of the I Ching to deal with modern day morons & confusion / by James Gentile and Russell Slocum. Wyomissing, Pennsylvania : Peripate Press, 2011. PL2464.Z6 G47 2011
Smith, Matthew Ross Call No.
Lizzy Legend / Matthew Ross Smith. New York : Aladdin, 2019. Juv. PZ7.1.S6447 L5 2019
Smith, Michael R. Call No.
The disabled, the media, and the information age / edited by Jack A. Nelson. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1994.

-Chapter 10: Assistive Technology and Software: Liberating All of Us
HV1553.D564 1994
Worship in Franklin County: sketches of faith from the mid-1700's to the Civil War / by Michael Smith. Shippensburg, PA: Shippensburg University Press, 1991. BR555.P42 F7 1991
Yesterday's Waynesboro: from the collection of Bob Ringer / Text by Robert Smith; edited and compiled by James W. Curtis. Shippensburg, PA: News-Chronicle, c1993. f F159.W3 S6 1993
Sonder, Otto Lewis, 1925- Call No.
An experimental study of the identification of the sex of discussion group participants by judges utilizing transcriptions of discussion content. [University Park], 1964. BF692.S698
Speicher, Tom Call No.
A day with Waffles and Alexis / by Tom Speicher ; illustrated by Marina Saumell, Middletown, DE, [2023].  Juv. PZ7.S74655 D3 2023
A week with Waffles / by Tom Speicher ; illustrated by Marina Saumell, Middletown, DE, [2022].  Juv. PZ7.S74655 W4 2022
Bucky Deacon's dilemma / by Bill Byham with Tom Speicher, Middletown, DE, [2021].  Juv. GV706.3 .B94 2021
Spottswood, Wilson Lee Call No.
Random verses: a selection from the poems written by thirteen members of our family with eight of mine added for good measure / by Jared W. Young. Oakland, MD: The Mountain Democrat News, 1953.

-Poem three: "An Isle of Rest"
Hist. PN6101.Y64
Springer, Charles Call No.
Window over the sink : prose poems / Charles Springer. [Newberg, Oregon] : Fernwood Press, [2024] PS3619.P754 W5 2024
Juice : poems / Charles Springer. Raleigh, NC : Regal House Publishing, 2019.  PS3619.P754 J8 2019
Nowhere, now here / Charles Springer. [Seattle, Washington] : Radial Books, [2021] PS3619.P754 N6 2021
Staats, Elmer B., 1914- Call No.
Public service and the public interest / by Elmer B. Staats, with commentary by John Brademas…[et al.]. Washington,DC: National Academy of Public Administration, [1988?] JK692.S73 1988
Standards for audit of governmental organizations, programs, activities, and functions / by the Comptroller General of the United States. Washington, DC: U.S. General Accounting Office: For sale by the Supt. Of Docs., U.S. G.P.O., 1981. HJ9801.A3 1981
Stambolian, Dwight E. Call No.
Effects of septal lesions on behavior. Williamsport, PA, 1971. QP359.S68
Sterngold, Arthur Call No.
Market analysis of downtown Williamsport / by Arthur Sterngold. [Williamsport, PA: s.n.], 1990. Hist. HC108.W5 S75 1990
Stocks, Raynetta J. Call No.
The Grim : a novel / Raynetta J. Stocks. Indianapolis, IN : Dog Ear Publishing, 2012. PS3619.T638 G7 2012
Straub, Celeste Call No.
Leather and lies / Celeste Straub. Golden, CO : 5 Prince Publishing and Books, LLC, 2018. PS3619.T74258 L4 2018
Stuart, John Armistead, 1906- Call No.
The Augustinian "Cause of action" in Coleridge's Rime of the ancient mariner / by J.A. Stuart. [S.l.: s.n.], 1967. PR4479.S78 1967
Sutton, Scott C. Call No.
I love you like... / by Scott Sutton and Alec Traub ; illustrated by Glenn Zimmerman. Los Angeles, CA : Grass & Hopping Publishing, [2018] Juv. PZ7.S9686 I56 2018
Taneyhill, M. Ellen Call No.
The girls of Greystone / by Nellie Taneyhill Beyerle. Harrisburg, PA: Thomas S. Wilcox, 1888. Hist. PZ3.B46391 G58
The young folks of Renfrew [in the interest of the missionary cause] / by M. Ellen Taneyhill. New York: Phillips and Hunt; Cincinnati: Walden and Stowe, 1882. Hist. PZ3.B46931 Y64
Taylor, Carl B. (Carl Beck), 1913- Call No.
Jim and Mildred Cohick: the trading post an other ventures (The story of 60 years of business operations in Salladasburg, Lycoming County's smallest borough) / Carl B. Taylor. Williamsport, PA: Lycoming Printing Co., 1983. Hist. F159.S32 T3 1983
Hist. F159.S32 T3 1983 c. 2
The early history of Cogan House Township, Lycoming County, Pennsylvania / Milton W. Landis and Carl B. Taylor. Williamsport, PA: Lycoming Print Co., c1981-
-coauthor and editor
Hist. f F159.C633 L36 v. 1
f F159.C633 L36 v. 1 c. 2
f F159.C633 L36 v. 1 c. 3
The roads taken: a country lawyer looks back / by Kermit R. Mason; edited by Carl B. Taylor an Kimberly J. Perry. Parsons, WV: McClain Print. Co., 1985. KF373.M297 A3 1985
Thayer, Fred Call No.
Illumination / Fred Thayer. [Boston]: E.C. Schirmer, c1981. f M1245.T52 I47
Thompson, Jill Call No.
Soul battle: it's not against flesh and blood / Jill Thompson. Nappanee, Ind.: Evangel Pub. House, 2006.
BX9675.Z8 R678 2006
Treille, Marguerite Call No.
Le conflit dramatique en France de 1823 à 1830 d'après les journaux et les revues du temps. Paris: Picart, 1929. Archives PQ546.T65 1929
Turnbaugh, William A. Call No.
Basket tales of the grandmothers. Peace Dale, RI: Thornbrook Publishing, 1999 E98.B3 B34 1999
Cultural prehistory and demographic patterns in North-central Pennsylvania. Cambridge, MA, 1973. E78.P4 T83
Indian basketry of the Northeastern Woodlands / Sarah Peabody Turnbaugh and William A. Turnbaugh. Atglen, PA : Schiffer Publishing Ltd, 2014.
f E98.B3 T873 2014
Indian baskets / Sarah Peabody Turnbaugh, William A. Turnbaugh. West Chester, PA: Schiffer Pub., c1986. f E98.B3 T87 1986
Indian baskets / with revised price guide; Sarah Peabody Turnbaugh, William A. Turnbaugh. West Chester, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., c2004. f E98.B3 T87 2004
Indian jewelry of the American Southwest / William A. Turnbaugh, Sarah Peabody Turnbaugh; foreword by Barry M. Goldwater. West Chester, PA: Schiffer Publishing Ltd., c1988. f E78.S7 T8 1988
Man, land, and time: the cultural prehistory and demographic patterns of north-central Pennsylvania / by William A. Turnbaugh. Evansville, IN: Published for the Lycoming County Historical Society, Williamsport, PA, by Unigraphic, 1977. Hist. E78.P4 T85 1977
R. F. D. country!: mailboxes and post offices of rural America / Bill and Sarah Thornbrook; foreword by Preston R. Tisch. West Chester, PA: Schiffer Pub., c1988.

-Thornbrook is his pseudonym
f HE6497.M3 T46 1988
Understanding physical anthropology and archaeology, Instructor's Manual / Robert Jurmain, Harry Nelson, William A. Turnbaugh, and William A. Turnbaugh. St. Paul, MN: West Publishing, 1981. GN60.U52 Manual
Understanding physical anthropology and archaeology / Robert Jurmain, Harry Nelson, William A. Turnbaugh. St. Paul: West Pub. Co., c1987. GN60.J84 1987
Understanding physical anthropology and archaeology / Robert Jurmain, Harry Nelson, William A. Turnbaugh. St. Paul: West Pub. Co., c1990. GN60.J84 1990
Understanding physical anthropology and archaeology / Robert
Jurmain, Harry Nelson, William A. Turnbaugh, Lynn Kilgore. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Publishing, c1999
f GN60.J84 1999
Turner, John W. Call No.
Tiglath-Pileser I. Williamsport, PA, 1971. DS73.53.T86
Urban, Vladimir Call No.
Mudfish. New York: Box Turtle Press/ Attitude Art Inc., c1983-
-Mudfish 1984 (v. 1): Princess of Saxony, She wishes her…, Plud
-Mudfish Two, a forum for contemporary art and poetry (v. 2): A Kiss, Whose Kitchen Is It, Anyway?, A Tidal Wave, "Attitude Ox" Flag, Photograph.
-Mudfish (v. 3): Who Sleeps in My Bed, The Sawz-All of All, Watching Wrestling in the Detox Center.
PN6101.M82 v. 1
PN6101.M82 v. 2
PN6101.M82 v. 3
Vaira, Angela Reed Call No.
An analysis of five theories of cold war origins. Williamsport, PA, 1972. D843.V3
Van Auken, Robin Call No.
The Little League Baseball world series. Charleston, SC: Arcadia Publishing, c2002. Hist. GV880.5.V36 2002
Lycoming County's industrial heritage / Robin Van Auken and Louis E. Hunsinger. Charleston, SC : Arcadia, c2005. Hist. HC107.P42 L938 2005
Play ball! : the story of Little League Baseball / Lance and Robin Van Auken. University Park, PA: The Pennsylvania State University Press, c2001. Hist. f GV880.5.V35 2001
Williamsport : boomtown on the Susquehanna / Robin Van Auken and Louis Hunsinger, Jr. Arcadia Publishing: Charleston, SC, c2003. Hist. F159.W7.V3 2003
Van Horn, Elizabeth H. Call No.
Iroquois silver brooches (as-ne-as-ga) in the Rochester Museum / by Elizabeth H. Van Horn, Geno Paesano, editor. Rochester, NY, [1971]. E99.I7 R58
Van Voorst, Robert E. Call No.
Anthology of world scriptures / Robert E. Van Voorst. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub. Co., c1994. BL70.V36 1997
The Ascents of James: source, translation, and commentary / Robert E. Van Voorst. Atlanta, GA: Scholars Press, 1989, c1988. BS2880.A872 V36 1989
Building your New Testament Greek vocabulary / Robert E. Van Voorst. Grand Rapids, MI: Eerdmans, c1990. PA863.V36 1990
The death of Jesus in early Christianity / John T. Carroll and Joel B. Green; with Robert E. Van Voorst, Joel Marcus, Donald Senior. Peabody, MA: Henderickson, c1995.

-Part 2: Chapter 8
BT450.C347 1995
Readings in Christianity / [compiled by] Robert E. Van Voorst. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth Pub. Co., c1997. BR53.R39 1997
Vance, Connie Call No.
The mentor connection in nursing / [edited by] Connie Vance, Roberta K. Olson. New York: Springer Pub. Co., c1998. RT86.45 .M46 1998
Varona Herrera, Rubén Andrés Call No.
Polvo de cordillera = : Dust from the mountain range / by Rubén Varona; traduccíón Sandra Kingery con la participación de: Kaitlyn E. Kratzer, Kaitlynn M. Mangrum, Angie A Pérez, Breyon D. Richards, Mariah Rovenolt, Rei A. Saar., Popayán, Colombia : GAMAR Editores, 2024. PQ8180.432.A758 P6 2024
El sastre de las sombras / by Rubén Andrés Varona Herrera. Miami, FL : La Pereza Ediciones, [2013] PQ8180.432.A758 S27 2013
La viuda del molino / by Rubén Andrés Varona Herrera. Popayán, Colombia : Universidad del Cauca, [2023] PQ8180.432.A758 V5 2023
Wagner, Phoebe Call No.
A Shot of Gin / Phoebe Wagner. Parliament House Press, LLC, [2023] PS3623.A35636 S45 2023
Fighting for the future : cyberpunk and solarpunk tales / edited by Phoebe Wagner. Eugene, Oregon : Android Press, [2023] PS374.D96 F54 2023
When we hold each other up: a solarpunk novella / Phoebe Wagner. Eugene, Oregon : Android Press, [2023] PS3623.A35637 W45 2023
Almanac for the anthropocene : a compendium of solarpunk futures / edited by Phoebe Wagner, Brontë Christopher Wieland. Morgantown : West Virginia University Press, [2022] GE195 .A44 2022
Sunvault : stories of solarpunk and eco-speculation / edited by Phoebe Wagner & Brontë Christopher Wieland. Nashville, Tennessee : Upper Rubber Boot Books, [2017] PS509.R45 S85 2017
Wallace, Edward Call No.
Student activities manual for modern mathematics: an elementary approach, 6th edition / John Huber; Edward Wallace. Monterey, CA: Brooks/Cole Pub. Co., c1985. QA39.2.W46 1984 Suppl.
Wallace, Linda Elizabeth Call No.
The concept of moral right. Williamsport, PA, 1966. BJ41.W3
Waltz, Michael L. Call No.
The hen and I : tales from the farm / Michael Waltz. [s.l.] : Distributed by Michael Waltz, 2012. PS3623.A365 H4 2012
Wasser, Linda Cooney Call No.
Recipes for art full success / written and illustrated by Fritz Wasser and Linda Cooney Wasser, with technical assistance from Kirk Huttleston.  [Place of publication not identified] : [publisher not identified], 2017.  N350 .W37 2017 
Weidman, Helen Breese Call No.
A history of Messiah's Evangelical Lutheran Church, South Williamsport, Penna. / by Helen Breese Weidman. [Williamsport, PA?: s.n.], 1943. Hist. BX8076.S56 M47
Wendt, Holly M. Call No.
Heading north : a novel / by Holly M. Wendt. Braddock, PA : Braddock Avenue Books, 2023. PS3623.E5385 H4 2023
Wheeler, Shanna Powlus Call No.
Evensong for shadows : poems / Shanna Powlus Wheeler. Eugene, Oregon : Resource Publications, 2018. PS3623.H448 E9 2018
Lo and behold : poems / by Shanna Powlus Wheeler. Georgetown, Kentucky : Finishing Line Press, 2009. PS3623.H45 L6 2009
Whelan, John M. Jr. Call No.
Ethics for everyday / [edited by] David Benatar. Boston: McGraw-Hill, 2002.
-Chapter 13: Giving Aid
Famine and Charity p. 537
BJ1031.E853 2002
Rights and duties : welfare rights and duties of charity [edited by] Carl Wellman. St. Louis: Routledge, NY/London, 2002.
-p. 347: Famine and Charity
K460.R46 2002 v.5
Wild, Terry Call No.
George Papashvily: sculptor / a retrospective catalog with an introduction by Charles H. Muhlenberg and notes by Helen Papashvily, photos. by Terry Wild. [S.l.: s.n., 1979] (Montoursville, PA: Paulhamus Litho). NB237.P3 P3
Photographs / Terry Wild; [introduction by William Edward Parker]. [S.l.: s.n., 1980] (Montoursville, PA: Paulhamus Litho). TR654.W48
Severin Roesen / Judith Hansen O'Toole. Lewisburg, PA: Bucknell University Press; London: Associated University Presses, c1992.
-photographs by Terry Wild
Hist. f ND237.R713 O86 1992
f ND237.R713 O86 1992 c. 2
Wilhelm, Jeanne Call No.
A cup of comfort for families touched by Alzheimer's : inspirational stories of unconditional love and support / edited by Colleen Sell. Avon, Mass. : Adams Media, c2008.
- Strawberries in January
RC523 .C78 2008
Wilk, Stan Call No.
Confronting the creationists / edited by Stephen Pastner and William Haviland. [s.l.]: Northeastern Anthropological Association, 1982.
-A Note on Democracy and American Anthropology
Humanistic anthropology / Stan Wilk. Knoxville: University of Tennessee Press, c1991. BD450.W4979 1991
BD450.W4979 1991 c. 2
Williamson, Jonathan Call No.
Shale gas and the future of energy : law and policy for sustainability / edited by John C. Dernbach, James R. May.Cheltenham, UK : Edward Elgar Publishing, [2016]
- Sustainable housing in rural communities affected by shale gas development.
K3915 .S53 2016
Wilt, W. William Call No.
The Allegheny Portage railroad. Williamsport, PA, [1966]. HE2791.A44 W5
Witwer, David Call No.
Corruption and reform in the Teamsters Union. Urbana and Chicago: University of Illinois Press, 2003. HD6515.T22 I589 2003
Shadow of the racketeer : scandal in organized labor / David Witwer. Urbana : University of Illinois Press, c2009. HD6490.C642 U589 2009
Wolf, George D. Call No.
William Warren Scranton: Pennsylvania statesman. University Park: The Pennsylvania State University, 1981. F155.3.S37 W64
Yasui, Robert S. Call No.
The Yasui family of Hood River, Oregon / by Dr. Robert S. Yasui; edited by Holly Yasui. [Williamsport, PA?]: Holly Yasui, Desktop Publishing, 1987. E184.J3 Y3 1987
Zimmerman, Melvin C. Call No.
Developing and sustaining a research-supportive curriculum : a compendium of successful practices / editors, Kerry K. Karukstis, Timothy E. Elgren. Washington, DC : Council on Undergraduate Research, c2007.
-Chapter 25. The Clean Water Institute at Lycoming College
LB2326.3 .D48 2007
Looking to the river : an original documentary film / Greg Matkosky ; [presented by] WVIA. [Pittston, Pa.] : WVIA, 2005. DVD F Loo 0285
Wastewater biology : the habitats : a special publication / prepared by Wastewater Biology--the Habitats Task Force of the Water Environment Federation ; under the direction of the Municipal Subcommittee of the Technical Practice Committee. Alexandria, VA: Water Environment Federation, 2000.

-member of the Task Force
TD736 .W35 2000
Wastewater pathogens / Michael H. Gerardi and Mel C. Zimmerman. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Sons, 2005. RA642.W3 G47 2005