Earn college credits now!

Lycoming College’s Early Warrior Dual Enrollment program provides all high school 11th- and 12th-grade students with the opportunity to jumpstart their college careers by taking college courses while still enrolled in high school.

Early Warrior Dual Enrollment students will benefit from Lycoming College’s small class sizes and individualized faculty attention — the ideal atmosphere for high school juniors and seniors to explore exciting college majors, such as psychology, business administration, education, history, languages, music, the sciences and more!

Is the Early Warrior program right for you?

  • Earn college credits that will get you started toward your Lycoming degree or transfer to another college.
  • Finish your college degree faster.
  • Learn what it’s like to study on a college campus with other college students.
  • Take classes not offered at your high school.
  • Take college classes at a reduced cost.
  • Explore different college majors.

Apply for the Early Warrior Program

Admissions Requirements:

  • One of the following:
    • High School G.P.A of 3.5 or greater
    • SAT score of 1100 or greater
    • ACT composite score of 22 or greater
  • Currently in 11th or 12th grade
  • Recommendation of your guidance counselor
  • Math and/or language placement assessment (depending on preferred courses)

Spring 2025 Enrollment: NOVEMBER 11 - DECEMBER 9

Important information for Early Warriors


Most dual enrollment courses are four credit hours and Lycoming charges $1000 per course ($250 per credit hour). The College is offering an EITC scholarship ($600 per course) to every dual enrolled student enrolled in a public high school for each course taken, lowering the cost for public school students to $400 per course ($100 per credit hour). Depending on the course, lab fees may also be incurred.

Payment must be made by Dec. 13, 2024, with the Lycoming College Business Office on the first floor of Long Hall.


Please note that school must work with each Early Warrior student to determine transportation to and from the Lycoming College campus. Lycoming College is not responsible for transportation.

Registering for Classes

Full-time Lycoming students will receive priority enrollment and there is no guarantee that high school students will be placed in their top choice class.

Students may enroll in a maximum of two courses per semester, although we suggest only one course in the student’s first semester at Lycoming. A final grade of “C” or better is required for each student to continue taking courses at Lycoming. Requests to enroll in more than two courses during one semester will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Every dual-enrolled student will be assigned an academic advisor who will maintain contact with each student’s high school guidance counselor regarding their status as a student at Lycoming, as well as provide a mid-semester assessment, and individualized academic advising.

Spring 2025 Dual Enrollment Courses

BIO 106 Cells, Genes, and Society

ECON 111 Principles of Microeconomics

ENGL 106 Composition
ENGL 221 British Literature II
ENGL 222 American Literature I

GERM 102 Elementary German II
LAT 102 Latin Grammar & Readings II
SPAN 101 Elementary Spanish I
SPAN 102 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 111 Intermediate Spanish I

MATH 127 Precalculus Mathematics

MUS 117 Survey of Western Music
MUS 122 Class Piano I

Political Science
PSCI 227 Media and Politics

PSY 110 Introductory Psychology

THEA 237 Musical Theatre Performance