You are a valuable resource for your students, and your dedication does not go unnoticed. As an institution of higher education, we especially know the vital role you play in helping students in the college search and application process. We extend our sincerest gratitude for your service and for your contributions to our own mission of helping all students achieve careers of significance and lives of meaning.

Below you will find important facts about Lycoming and links to help you quickly navigate to the information you need.

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Lycoming seniors engage in career preparation at almost 2xthe rate of other college seniors and participate in career planning talks, panels, and workshops at a rate 22% higher than their national peers. (NSSE 2021)
100% of students complete an enhanced academic experience, including internships, study abroad, and undergraduate research.
85% of students receive need-based financial aid.
30% of students are domestic students of color or international.
No. 100 overall in the 2025 U.S. News & World Report National Liberal Arts Colleges ranking, No. 22 for Best Value, and No. 7 for Social Mobility.
99% of the Class of 2023 was employed or in graduate school within 6-12 months.
$200M endowment (among the highest per student in the country) enables Lycoming to award more than $36M in financial aid annually and continually invest in premier facilities.
Recognized as a "College of Distinction" with special recognition for Career Development, Business, and Education.