Aerial view of campus with Williamsport, the Susquehanna River and Bald Eagle Mountain as a backdrop


This information is provided as an example of credits that have transferred in the past. It does NOT guarantee the future transfer of those credits. Final determination of transfer credit will be made by the Registrar based on official transcripts only. In particular, courses taken through dual-enrollment or online instruction may be evaluated differently.

Course Equivalent Lycoming Course Credits Transferred
ANT 101: Anthropology ANTH-114: Introduction to Anthropology 3.00
ART 125: Topics in Contemporary Art ART-ELCT: Art Elective 3.00
ART 146: Beg Ceramics: Wheel ART-119: Ceramics I 3.00
ART 146: Beginning Deramics: Wheel ART-119: Ceramics I 3.00
BIO 101: Gen Bio I Lab/Lec BIO-110: Introduction to Biology I 4.00
BIO 103: Anat & Physio Lec/Lab SCI-DIST: Science Distribution 4.00
BIO 104: Anat & Physio II Lab/Lec SCI-DIST: Science Distribution 4.00
CHE 100: Introductory Chemistry SCI-NLDIST: Science No Lab - Distribution 3.00
CMN 112: Public Speaking CCOM-211: Informative/Persuasive Spking 3.00
ENG 101: English Composition I ENGL-106: Composition 3.00
HIS 101: History Western Civil to 1648 HIST-126: United States Since 1877 3.00
HIS 102: Hst Wst Cv Snce 1648 HIST-116: Western Civilization II 3.00
HIS 112: World Hist to 1500 HIST-ELCT: History Elective 3.00
HIS 113: World His Science 1500 HIST-ELCT: History Elective 3.00
HPE 101: Basic Concpts Nutrit WELL-105: Topics in Wellness 0.00
HPE 110: Conc Hlth/Fit Lab PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
IST 101: Computer Concepts/Applications GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
JPN 101: Beginning Japanese I GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
JPN 102: Beg Japanese II GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
JPN 201: Intermediate Japn I GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
JPN 202: Intermed Japanese II GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MAT 034: Basic Algebra MATH-100: Basic Algebra 2.00
MAT 120: Mathmatics for Liberal Arts GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MAT 200: Statistics-Soc/Hlth Sci I MATH-STA/DIS: Stats for Math Distribution 3.00
MUS 109: Applied Music I MUS-ELCT: Elective 1.00
PHI 102: Philosophy PHIL-140: Central Problems in Philosophy 3.00
POL 102: State and Local Government PSCI-110: U.S. Government and Politics 3.00
PSY 207: Developmental Psych PSY-117: Developmental Psychology 3.00
PSY 210: Abnormal Psychology PSY-116: Abnormal Psychology 3.00
THR 104: Fund of Acting THEA-145: Acting I 3.00