Aerial view of campus with Williamsport, the Susquehanna River and Bald Eagle Mountain as a backdrop


This information is provided as an example of credits that have transferred in the past. It does NOT guarantee the future transfer of those credits. Final determination of transfer credit will be made by the Registrar based on official transcripts only. In particular, courses taken through dual-enrollment or online instruction may be evaluated differently.

Course Equivalent Lycoming Course Credits Transferred
OSA 1: Seminar GNL-ELCT: Elective 2.00
OSA 10 + OSA 11: Academic Englisth I A + Academic English I B ENGL-106: Composition 4.00
OSA 12 + OSA 13 + OSA 14: Academic English II A + Academic English II B + Academic English III GNL-ELCT: Elective 4.00
OSA 15: Calculus I MATH-128: Calculus/Analytic Geometry I 4.00
OSA 16: Calculus II MATH-129: Calculus/Analytic Geometry II 2.00
OSA 17: Linear Algebra I MATH-EL(300): Math Elective 300 Level 2.00
OSA 18: Linear Algebra II MATH-EL(300): Math Elective 300 Level 4.00
OSA 19: General Physica A I PHYS-225: Fundamentals of Physics I 2.00
OSA 2: Intro to Psychology PSY-110: Introductory Psychology 2.00
OSA 20 + OSA 21: General Physics B + General Physics Lab PHYS-226: Fundamentals of Physics II 4.00
OSA 22: Intro to Programming CPTR-125: Intro to Computer Science 2.00
OSA 23: Ordinary Differential Equation MATH-231: Differential Equations 2.00
OSA 24: Complex Analysis MATH-238: Multivariable Calculus 2.00
OSA 25: general physics A II PHYS-331: Classical Mechanics 2.00
OSA 26: Engineering Ethics for Enginee GNL-ELCT: Elective 2.00
OSA 27: Intro Mech Aerosp Mar Sys I PHYS-EL(300): Physics 300 Level Elective 2.00
OSA 27 + OSA 28: Intro Mech Aerosp Mar Sys I + Intro Mech Aerosp Mar Sys II PHYS-336: Math Methods of Physics 4.00
OSA 28: Intro Mech Aerosp Mar Sys II PHYS-EL(300): Physics 300 Level Elective 2.00
OSA 29: Fund Aerosp Engineering GNL-ELCT: Elective 2.00
OSA 3: German Today GNL-ELCT: Elective 2.00
OSA 30: Exerc Areosp Engineering I GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
OSA 31: Fluid Mechanics PHYS-EL(300): Physics 300 Level Elective 2.00
OSA 32: Strength of Materials PHYS-EL(300): Physics 300 Level Elective 2.00
OSA 4: Materials and Society GNL-ELCT: Elective 2.00
OSA 5 + OSA 6: Introductory German A + Basic German A GERM-101: Elementary German I 4.00
OSA 7 + OSA 8: Introductory German B + Basic German B GERM-102: Elementary German II 4.00
OSA 9: Exrcise for Hlth and Sprts Sci PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00