Aerial view of campus with Williamsport, the Susquehanna River and Bald Eagle Mountain as a backdrop


This information is provided as an example of credits that have transferred in the past. It does NOT guarantee the future transfer of those credits. Final determination of transfer credit will be made by the Registrar based on official transcripts only. In particular, courses taken through dual-enrollment or online instruction may be evaluated differently.

Course Equivalent Lycoming Course Credits Transferred
ACC 112 + ACC 113: Accounting I + Introduction to Financial Acc ACCT-110: Financial Accounting 4.00
ACH 270: Eur Sust Bldg; Hist Arch & Art GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
ART 142: Wood Sculpting ART-225: Sculpture I 3.00
ART 202: Intro to Three-Dimension Desig ART-225: Sculpture I 3.00
ART 210: Intro Graphic Design ART-ELCT: Art Elective 3.00
ART 225: Type Design I ART-ELCT: Art Elective 3.00
ART 235: Type Design II ART-ELCT: Art Elective 3.00
ART 260: Intro to Computer Graphics ART-343: Introduction to Digital Art 3.00
ART 280: Drawing II ART-221: Drawing II 3.00
BIM 100: Interact. Media in Digtl Age GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
BIM 120: Social Media in Bus. and Socie GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
BIO 103H: Human Anatomy and Psysiology S BIO-107: Anatomy for Hlth Care Consumer 4.00
BIO 108: Principles of Biology I BIO-ELCT: Biology Elective 4.00
BIO 111: Basic Botany BIO-225: Plant Sciences 3.00
BIO 220: General Biology I BIO-110: Introduction to Biology I 4.00
BWM 150: Introduction to Web Page Devlp GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CHM 100: Fundamentals of Chemistry CHEM-ELCT: Elective 4.00
CHM 121: General Chemistry II CHEM-111: General Chemistry II 4.00
CHM 203: Organic Chemistry I CHEM-220: Organic Chemistry I 4.00
CHM 210: Organic Chemistry I CHEM-220: Organic Chemistry I 3.00
CIT 171: Intro to Networking GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CIT 171H: Intro to Networking GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CIT 261: C/C++ CPTR-125: Intro to Computer Science 3.00
CIT 299: Intro to Cybersecurity GNL-ELCT: Elective 4.00
CSC 110H: Intro to Info Technology GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CSC 124: Information, Tech and Soc GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CSC 124: Information, Tech. and Society GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
CSC 221: Business Computer Applications CPTR-101: Microcomputer File Management 2.00
ECO 112: Principles of Microeconomics ECON-111: Principles of Microeconomics 3.00
EDU 100: Child Development PSY-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDU 101: Intro to Early Childhood GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDU 125: Meth & Matr/Child Hood Educ I GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDU 130: American Sign Language I GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDU 210: Observ and Comm W/Young Childr GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDU 210: Observ. & Comm. W/ Yng Childrn GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDU 225: Meth & Mat./Ear. Cldhd Educ II GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDU 230: Young Child/Special Needs EDUC-230: Intro to Special Education 3.00
EDU 256: Early Childhood Practicum GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDU 256: Eraly Childhood Practicum GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDU 262: Language Arts in Early Childho GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDU 268: Meth & Mat./Infants & Toddlers GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDU 270: Play Across/Early Childhd Curr GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDU 280: Erly Chldhd Program Mngmt GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDU 2991: E.C. Educ in Italy GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
EDUC 121: Children's and Young Adult Lit EDUC-200: Intro to Study of Education 3.00
EDUC 225: Mthds/Materials of Erly Ed II GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EDUC 268: Mth/Materls Infants & Toddlrs. GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EET 118H: Intro to Engineering Technolog GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EET 124: Engeneering, Tech., & Society GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
EMR 00101 + ERT 13303: Emergency Medical Responder + Haz Mat Awareness Refresher WELL-ELCT: Elective 0.00
EMT 10001 + ERT 11701: Emergency Medical Technician + Hazerdous Materials Awareness WELL-ELCT: Elective 0.00
ENGL 111: Engl Composition I ENGL-106: Composition 3.00
ENGL 121: English Composition II ENGL-215: Introduction to Literature: 3.00
ENL 221: Detective Fiction LIT-ELCT: Elective 3.00
ENL 231: World Literature LIT-ELCT: Elective 3.00
ENL 241: American Literature Since 1865 ENGL-223: American Literature II 3.00
ENL 243: Early Brit Lit and American ENGL-115: Introduction to Literature: 3.00
ENL 260: Masters of Science Fiction LIT-ELCT: Elective 3.00
ENL 299: Children's Fiction LIT-ELCT: Elective 3.00
FIN 305: Fund. of Financial Planning GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
FIT 112: Racket Sports PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
FIT 174: Free Weight Training PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
FIT 176: Shotokan Karate PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
FIT 178: Group Fitness Training PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
FIT 181: Phys. Fitness for Weight Mgmt. PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
FIT 182: Intro to Scuba Diving PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
FIT 190: Personal Fitness PHED-ELCT: Elective 0.00
FIT 204: First Aid, Respond to Emergen. WELL-106: First Aid/CPR 0.00
FIT 207: Choices: Wellness for a Lifeti WELL-105: Topics in Wellness 0.00
FIT 2991: Vollyball PHED-105: Physical Education Activities 0.00
FYE 101: First Year Expeerience GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
FYE 101: First Year Experience GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
GEL 106: Historical Geology SCI-DIST: Science Distribution 4.00
GEO 111: Intro to Cultural Geography GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HIS 145: Unitd States Survey Since 1877 HIST-126: United States Since 1877 3.00
HIS 146: US survey from 1877-present HIST-126: United States Since 1877 3.00
HIS 229: The Second World War HIST-ELCT: History Elective 3.00
HIT 110: Health Data Content and Struc. GNL-ELCT: Elective 4.00
HRM 300: Human Resource Management GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HSR 120: Intro to Helping Skills/Proces GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HSR 210: Culturally Sensitive Hum Ser SOC-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HSR 240: Mngmt & Admin in Human Service GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HSR 264: Children's Service GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HTH 100: Intro to Health Careers GNL-ELCT: Elective 2.00
HTH 447: Hlth & Humn Serv. Public Polic PSCI-ELCT: Elective 3.00
HUM 225: Fairy Tales and Fabels HUM-ELCT: Humanities Elective 3.00
LAS 110: Business Organizational Law GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
LAS 150: Legal Research and Writing PSCI-334: Legal Research and Writing 3.00
LAS 160: Civil Practice and Procedures PSCI-ELCT: Elective 3.00
LAS 170: Real Property Law ACCT-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MATH 125: Techical Algebra and Trig II GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MCM 127: Principles of Advertising COMM-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MCM 225: Reporting Public Affairs COMM-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MCM 246: Advanced Digital Media Product DCOM-300: Digital Film/Video Product. II 3.00
MGT 105: Intro to Business GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MGT 230: Business Communications GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MGT 233: Project Management BUS-ELCT: Business Elective 3.00
MGT 249: Small Business Management GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MGT 301: Business Law I ACCT-235: Legal Principles 3.00
MGT 301: Business Law I GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MGT 347: Entrepreneurship BUS-ELCT: Business Elective 3.00
MIS 110: Intro to Management Info Syst BUS-211: Management Information Systems 2.00
MIS 110: Intro. to Management Info. BUS-211: Management Information Systems 2.00
MIS 211: Bus. Comp. Appl/ Use Sprsht GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MIS 220: Business Programming I GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MLS 104: Introduction to Leadership GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
MTG 105: Intro to Business GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MTH 005: Elementary Algebra I GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MTH 112: Business Mathematics GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MTH 113: Business Mathematics GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MTH 124: Technical Algebra & Trig I MATH-100: Basic Algebra 2.00
MTH 124: Technical Algebra and Trig I MATH-100: Basic Algebra 2.00
MTH 125: Technical Algebra and Trig II GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MTH 151: Structures of Mathematics MATH-100: Basic Algebra 2.00
MTH 180: College Algebra & Trig I MATH-100: Basic Algebra 2.00
MTH 182: College Algebra & Trig II MATH-127 + MATH-100EX: Precalculus Mathematics + Exempt From Basic Algebra 3.00 + 0.00
MTH 242: Calculus II MATH-129: Calculus/Analytic Geometry II 4.00
MTR 100: Medical Terminology Survey GNL-ELCT: Elective 1.00
MTR 104: Basics of Medical Technology GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MTR 104: Basics of Medical Terminology GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
MUS 111: Introduction to Music MUS-116D: Introduction to Music 3.00
PHL 240: Mind, Brains and Computer PHIL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
PHO 150: Digital Photography ART-ELCT: Art Elective 3.00
PHO 250: Intro to Digital Photography ART-ELCT: Art Elective 3.00
PHS 103: Physics Survey SCI-NLDIST: Science No Lab - Distribution 3.00
PHS 112: Introductory Physics PHYS-ELCT: Elective 4.00
PHS 114: Phys. W/ Tech Applications PHYS-108: Great Ideas Physical Universe 4.00
PNP 123: Digital Imaging I ART-ELCT: Art Elective 3.00
PNP 127: Applied Typography and Design ART-ELCT: Art Elective 3.00
PNP 136: Packaging and Product Design ART-ELCT: Art Elective 3.00
POLI 107: World Politics PSCI-ELCT: Elective 3.00
PSCI 131: American Government - National PSCI-110: U.S. Government and Politics 3.00
PSY 100: Applied Psychology SOCSC-ELCT: Social Sciences Elective 3.00
PSY 260: Psychology of Human Sexuality PSY-ELCT: Elective 3.00
PSY 299: Abnormal Child Psychology PSY-216: Abnormal Child Psychology 3.00
SCI 101: Introduction to Forensic Scien GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
SCI 101: Introduction to Forensic Scien SCI-DIST: Science Distribution 3.00
SCI 101 + SCI 102: Introduction to Forensic Scien + Intro to Forensic Science L SCI-DIST: Science Distribution 4.00
SCI 155: Introduction to Astronomy GNL-ELCT: Elective 3.00
SCI 160: The Science of Spaceflight SCI-NLDIST: Science No Lab - Distribution 3.00
SCP 101: Fundamentals of Speech CCOM-211: Informative/Persuasive Spking 3.00
SOC 113: Intro to Cult. Anthropology ANTH-229: Cultural Anthropology 3.00
SOC 232: Sociology of Relationships and SOC-ELCT: Elective 3.00
SPY 201: Abnormal Psychology PSY-116: Abnormal Psychology 3.00