We are Warrior Strong.
We have the opportunity to revolutionize the way Lycoming College puts the liberal arts to work for its students and further raise the value of a Lycoming education. We must challenge ourselves to think deeply and act boldly, just as Lycoming challenges every student. Help us build a strong and lasting future. Together, we are Warrior Strong.
Your support changes lives.

Maryam Haytham Esmat '21, an international student from Cairo, Egypt, pursued her Bachelor of Science in astrophysics with a mathematics minor, as well as a Bachelor of Arts in creative writing with a fiction track.
The highlight of my Lycoming education was my research at the Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). I grew up learning about space through STScI's public outreach articles online; through them I learned about the James Webb Space Telescope — which has been my favorite telescope since I was fifteen. As a student, I got to be one of the people working on it at its very own headquarters. Helping scientists use the telescope's instruments to 'look back in time' to observe our universe as it was 13.5 billion years ago and observing planets outside of our solar system was all very wonderous!
I am grateful for the endless opportunities available at Lycoming. Your contributions to Lycoming support students like me and make a great difference in our Lycoming journey and future. For all this I say, 'Shokran,'' which is 'Thank You' in Arabic.