Aerial view of campus with Williamsport, the Susquehanna River and Bald Eagle Mountain as a backdrop

May/Summer Sessions

How do I register for a May/Summer session?

May Term, and Summer course offerings are available to view on Lyco Advisor by searching the Course Catalog.  Students are strongly encouraged to review the Advising and Registration Checklist on SharePoint to ensure they’ve completed the necessary steps to have a smooth registration experience.  The Registrar’s Office SharePoint page is your go-to resource for all digital forms, Lyco Advisor resources, and much more.  


When will the balance be due for the May and Summer 2025 sessions?

May term is due April 30, 2025

Summer Sessions due dates May 31st/June 30th


How can I pay the balance due on my bill?

VISA, MasterCard, Discover and American Express are accepted for tuition and fees online via Lyco Advisor Self-Service>>Select Building on the Left (Financial Information)>>Select  Student Finance>>Select Manage Your Student Account. When a credit card is used, a service fee will be charged in addition to the tuition and fees.

E-checks are available without a service fee. Similar to a debit card, e-checks electronically debits a checking or savings account.

The monthly payment plan is ONLY available for Summer sessions.  Students and their authorized parties may set up the payment plan online.

Students will login to the Lycoming College Nelnet Business Solutions' Enterprise System website via Lyco Advisor Self-Service>>Select Building on the Left (Financial Information)>>Select  Student Finance>>Select Manage Your Student Account.  Once on the landing page in the Nelnet Business Solutions' Enterprise system, select  "Set up a Payment Plan".

Authorized parties may also go to the Manage My Student's Account below to access their student's account and set up the monthly payment plan.  

My parents are responsible for paying my tuition bill. How can my parents/authorized parties log in and view the bill?

Parents and other authorized parties may have the ability to view the bill as an authorized party. Students must set up authorized parties in the system. Students will login to the Lycoming College Nelnet Business Solutions' Enterprise System website via Lyco Advisor Self-Service>>Select Building on the Left (Financial Information)>>Select  Student Finance>>Select Manage Your Student Account.  Once on the landing page in the Nelnet Business Solutions' Enterprise system, select Add an Authorized party and follow the instructions.

Authorized parties will receive an email from Nelnet Business Solutions with a link inviting them to set up the account. Each billing cycle, both the student and authorized parties will receive an email notifying them that an eBill is available for viewing. Students and Authorized Parties receive a link in their email that takes them to the login page. Authorized parties may also go to the following link to access their student's account.

Manage My Student's Account

How can my parents/authorized parties pay the bill?

Once the authorized party is established, they can make payments by selecting "Make Payment" on the landing page of the Nelnet Business Solutions' Enterprise system. Our payment options include credit cards (VISA, MasterCard, Discover, AmericanExpress), online/e-checks using a United States bank checking or savings account for electronic transfer, or the traditional paper/mail-in check. You will have the option to retain your bank account and/or credit card information on the website for future use or you may enter it each time you make an online payment.

In the interest of security and privacy, each authorized party is assigned a separate login and password to access their account and payment history. Students cannot view nor do they have access to payee information.

Manage My Student's Account

Can I pay by paper check?

Paying online is the preferred bill payment method but it is optional. You may send payments by mail or pay in person in Long Hall at Lycoming College. To send a check or money order through the mail, please print the remittance form from the online system and mail it with the payment (payable to Lycoming College) to:
Lycoming College
Business Office
One College Place
Williamsport, PA 17701-5192