Aerial view of campus with Williamsport, the Susquehanna River and Bald Eagle Mountain as a backdrop

Business Administration (BUS, CCOM)

Associate Professor: Grassmueck,  Irwin (Chair), Zajack
Assistant Professor: Capo
Lecturer: Reynolds
Instructors: Brigandi, Han
Sloter Chair of Entrepreneurship: Azriel

The major in Business Administration is designed to educate students about business and management functions in for profit, non-profit, and public organizations. The program provides well-balanced preparation for a wide variety of professions and careers, including banking, financial services, small business management, marketing, sales, advertising, retailing, management, supervision, investments, human resources management, organization development, entrepreneurship, and management information systems. The major is also appropriate for students who plan to attend graduate school in business or related fields, such as law or public administration.

The major in Corporate Communication with a liberal arts base is the perfect choice for students interested in corporate communication, advertising, public relations, management and financial communication, marketing communication, and media relations.

The Department of Business Administration is a member of the Institute for Management Studies. For more information, see the Institute for Management Studies listing.


Major Requirements

All students majoring in Business Administration must complete the core courses: ACCT 110 and either ACCT 130 or 223; BUS 228, 238, 244; ECON 110 and 111; one BUS or ENTR course numbered 400 or higher except BUS 439; and at least four other courses from the following: BUS courses numbered 300 or higher; CCOM 324, 332; or ENTR courses numbered 300 or higher.

Capstone Requirement

To earn a degree in business administration, students must pass an outcomes assessment exam during their senior year as determined by the Department. Students who fail must re-take and pass the assessment.

Diversity and Writing Courses

The following courses satisfy the Domestic Cultural Diversity Requirement: BUS 244, 300 and 310. The following course satisfies the Global Cultural Diversity Requirement: BUS 333. A list of courses that, when scheduled as W courses, count toward the Writing Requirement, can be found on the Registrar’s website and in the GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS section of the catalog.

Minor Requirements:

A minor in Business Administration consists of BUS 228, 238, 244; and two additional BUS courses at the 200 level or above.   ACCT 110, CCOM 332 or 324 may be substituted for one BUS elective. 


Through BUS 439, Business Practicum, the department facilitates a wide variety of internships with businesses, government agencies, and nonprofit organizations. In addition, the department is a member of the Institute for Management Studies, which also facilitates internships, including full-time internships during the summer.

Access to affordable energy is essential for sustainable economic development and improvement in living standards. This course examines the issues which affect the success of non-renewable and renewable energy financing programs, focusing on the critical relationship between capital markets and financial institutions. Topics include corporate finance relevant to the oil and gas industry as well as issues of unconventional, renewable, and alternative energy.

A study of the methods used by business and nonprofit organizations to design, price, promote, and distribute their products and services. Topics include new product development, advertising, retailing, consumer behavior, marketing strategy, ethical issues in marketing, and others.

A study of the fundamental theory, tools, and methods of financial management for a business owner. Topics include the time value of money, analysis of financial statements, capital budgeting, cost of capital, and capital structure. Prerequisites: Either Math placement of level 3 or one Math course beyond MATH 100.

A study of the complex character of organizational life and the discipline and process of management. Topics include the evolution and scope of organizations and management, planning, organizing, leading, and controlling. Emphasis is placed on the importance of managing in a global environment, understanding the ethical implications of managerial decisions, and appreciating work place diversity. Fulfills Domestic Cultural Diversity Requirement.

Explores the intersection of business and society, with an emphasis on how society shapes business decisions, how business decisions shape society, and the evolution of these relationships over time. This class explores alternative viewpoints and aims to instill an appreciation of the role of business and entrepreneurship in society. It emphasizes critical thinking skills by exposing students to different perspectives. Students explore the social foundations of business and entrepreneurship, as well as their economic meaning and implications. Key themes include the economics of enterprise, the importance of institutions, the roles of risk and uncertainty, the causes of profit, the process of decision making, the sovereignty of consumers, the effects of competition, and inequality of wealth and income. Fulfills Domestic Cultural Diversity Requirement.

Explores how we think about organizations by examining the theoretical underpinnings of our understanding of organizations and organizational life, beginning with a historical survey of early theorists and moving on to explore the major theoretical lenses of current research. Explores the roles of technology, the organizational environment, social structure, and power in organizations through a variety of viewpoints including general systems theory, contingency theory, social construction, institutional theory, culture, storytelling, and discourse analysis. 

A study of the human resources function in organizations. The course introduces the roles and functions of the human resources department and how managers engage in human resource activities at work. Explores the functions of selection, training and development, compensation, retention, performance appraisal, promotion, employment law, and the modern-day importance of strategic human resource management. Prerequisites: BUS 244 or consent of instructor. Fulfills Domestic Cultural Diversity Requirement.

Focuses on financial theory and empirical evidence that are used for investment decisions. A sound investment decision requires in-depth knowledge of the financial markets and empirical knowledge. This class is devoted to understanding investment principles and investors’ attitudes. Students learn how financial thinking has evolved since the turn of the 20th century by studying the great thinkers in the field of finance. The majority of the class is devoted to understanding the past and developing an investment policy based on individual risk preferences based on the knowledge and skills from class. 

Explores the principles of business writing through critical analysis, with special focus on mechanics, organization, clarity, conciseness, tone, and correctness. Students learn to develop, organize, and express ideas in various formats, including emails, business letters, memoranda, reports and proposals. Emphasis is placed on identifying the appropriate target audience and using the style appropriate both for the audience and the material to be communicated. Prerequisites: ENGL 106 or 107 or consent of instructor.

Explores how to manage a privately-owned firm from developing the business idea, managing day-to-day issues, and exit strategies and succession planning. Students examine how to adapt tools developed for publicly-owned firms to create effective strategies for private firms including small and family-owned businesses. Topics include general management issues such as developing and supporting organizational culture, employment best practices, and using budgets as planning tools. Cross-listed as ENTR 315. Prerequisites: ENTR 200; or BUS 228, 238, and 244; or consent of instructor.

Examines the objective process of collecting and analyzing data to aid managerial decision making. Students learn how to review, apply, and conduct organizational research. Topics include the scientific method, sampling, data collection, observations and interviews, survey construction, and experimental design. Students learn how statistics are used to analyze organizational data. Prerequisite: BUS 244. 

Focuses on creating a business to solve a social problem with the intent of achieving both a social impact and financial sustainability. The course views social entrepreneurship as a distinct alternative to public sector initiatives, especially in its approach to pervasive problems in society. Students build on principles learned in ENTR 200 and apply them and additional strategies to impacting social issues. Cross-listed as ENTR 320. Prerequisites: ENTR 200; or BUS 228, 238, and 244; or consent of instructor.

With the rapid shift of advertising dollars away from traditional media to digital platforms, it is becoming increasingly important for entrepreneurs and marketing graduates to be well-versed in digital marketing fundamentals. Through readings, papers, videos, case studies, and hands-on projects, students come away with an understanding of successful digital marketing strategies, user generated content, search, social media and networks, mobile, and web analytics. Students also complete a hands-on project to build a marketing plan for a local business. Students exit the course with a solid understanding of digital marketing tactics, tools, and resources available for ongoing education. Cross-listed as ENTR 325. Prerequisites: ENTR 200, BUS 228, or consent of instructor.

An exploration of the judgments and decisions underlying human behavior, including both individual and situational influences on the choices we make daily. Students learn how to apply theories of judgment and decision-making within the context of the workplace. The world of professional sports is one workplace where judgments, decisions, and organizational performance are easily observable. Decisions by team management, coaches, and players are explored as examples, as we examine the trend toward data-driven decision making in organizations.

A study of the basic concepts and theories pertaining to today’s global economy, business environment, and markets. Topics include international business environment, foreign political systems, world cultures, global economic integration, operation of the international monetary system, and ethical issues involving global business. Also covers multinational corporations, national trade policies, foreign direct investment, and regional trading areas. Prerequisites: BUS 228, 238, and 244 or consent of instructor. Fulfills Global Cultural Diversity Requirement.

An introduction to the valuation of securities and quantitative portfolio theory, practice, optimization, and management. It addresses investor choice, market opportunities, and optimal portfolio selection. It examines security covariance and return models, performance analysis, and return attribution. A detailed examination of portfolio management and capital market theory including a review of material on efficient markets, the basic Markowitz portfolio model and the capital asset pricing model. These concepts are addressed in terms of international diversification and the evaluation of portfolio performance. Prerequisite: BUS 238.

An intensive study of issues and applications of financial management in corporate finance. Topics include advanced capital budgeting, cash flow estimation and risk analysis, capital structure and leverage, dividend policy, international finance, and basic investment banking. Prerequisites: ACCT 110 and BUS 238 or consent of instructor.

The study of the principles and practices of marketing research. The focus is on the development and application of marketing research methods. Topics covered include selection of a research design, data collection, analysis, and report writing. Both quantitative and qualitative methods are covered. Focuses on an applied project. Prerequisites: BUS 228 or consent of instructor. 

Examines social controversies involving marketing as portrayed in books, popular writings, political debates, and films (e.g., marketing of junk-foods, prescription drugs, or violent video games). Analyzes specialized marketing practices, such as financial services marketing, nonprofit marketing, internet marketing, or sports and recreational marketing. Prerequisites: BUS 228 or consent of instructor. May be repeated once for credit with departmental approval when topics are different.

Examines social controversies involving management as portrayed in books, popular writings, political writings, and films (e.g., the effects of plant closings and global competition on local communities). Analyzes specialized management practices, such as social entrepreneurship, environmentally sustainable business practices, or public administration. Prerequisites: BUS 244 or consent of instructor. May be repeated once for credit with consent of department when topics are different.

Examines social controversies involving finance as portrayed in books, popular writings, political debates, and films (e.g., Enron and other corporate financial scandals, the destabilizing effects of hedge funds, and programmed trading). Analyzes specialized financial practices, such as public finance or investment banking. Prerequisites: BUS 238 or consent of instructor. May be repeated once for credit with consent of department when topics are different.

Integrates all core coursework into an intensive application in entrepreneurship. The course revolves around entrepreneur, venture capital, and support service (legal, etc.) guest lecturers both on campus and at the entrepreneur’s place of business. In addition, the course requires advanced case studies, advanced simulations, and hands on projects focused on starting or growing an enterprise along with corporate venturing. When possible, students work with an entrepreneur to help in advanced planning to launch or grow the business. Cross-listed as ENTR 400. Prerequisites: ENTR 200, 210, and 220; or ENTR 200, BUS 228, 238, and 244; or consent of instructor.

Designed to provide insight into the practical application of foundational theories of leadership. Students explore scholarly approaches to the topic and think critically about the workplace implications of major theories. This course investigates approaches to leadership that encourage and empower followers to act in accordance with their purpose and personal values. Particular attention is paid to how leaders can create circumstances in which followers are intrinsically motivated to perform at their best. Prerequisites: BUS 228, 238, and 244.

A study of the methods used by business and nonprofit organizations to analyze and select target markets and then to develop strategies for gaining and maintaining these customers. Topics include competitive strategy, market segmentation, product positioning, promotional design, and marketing-related financial analysis. Addresses case studies and the development of a detailed marketing plan. Prerequisites: BUS 228, 238, and 244 or consent of instructor.

Introduces students to mathematical, programming, and statistical tools used in the real-world analysis and modeling of financial data. These tools are applied to model asset returns, measure risk, construct optimized portfolios, value securities and to develop advanced capital budgeting tools using Microsoft Excel and other software if necessary. Students build probability models for asset returns, apply statistical techniques to evaluate if asset returns are normally distributed, use Monte Carlo simulation, construct efficient portfolios, and use other tools to evaluate financial models. Prerequisites: BUS 228, 238 and 244..

Provides students with practical work experience with local companies and organizations. Students work 10-12 hours per week for their sponsor organizations, in addition to attending a weekly seminar on management topics relevant to their work assignments. Since enrollment is limited by the available number of positions, students must apply directly to the Business Department before preregistration to be eligible for the course. May be repeated once for credit with consent of instructor when topics are different.

An intensive study of the entrepreneurial function of business enterprises designed to build skills in conducting strategic analysis and strategic development in a variety of industries and competitive situations. Students examine industry structure, functional strategies, competitive challenges of a global marketplace, and sources of sustainable competitive advantage. Designed to integrate the knowledge and skills gained from previous coursework in business and related fields. Prerequisites: BUS 228, 238, and 244 or consent of instructor. Juniors and Seniors only.

Prerequisites: BUS 228, 238, and 244 or consent of instructor.

Prerequisites: BUS 228, 238, and 244 or consent of instructor.

Prerequisites: BUS 228, 238, and 244 or consent of instructor.


The program in Corporate Communication at Lycoming College explores the way media interacts with society and prepares students for careers as publicists, social media managers, advertising specialists, creative directors, entertainment and sports professionals, news analysts, event managers, and for new roles on emerging platforms in digital communication. A strong grounding in theory merges with an emphasis on real-world, hands-on experiences to develop successful graduates who are nimble thinkers ready to take on complex issues faced by organizations, brands, and individuals in today’s dynamic media landscape.

Major Requirements

All students majoring in Corporate Communication must complete a total of 12 courses, distributed as follows: 

Core Corporate Communication Courses 
CCOM 200                 Media and Communication 
CCOM 324                 Public Relations 
CCOM 332                 Advertising 

Corporate Communication Specialization Courses (select two)
CCOM 211                 Public Speaking 
CCOM 221                 Event Management 
CCOM 222                 Entertainment Industry Promotion 
CCOM 327                 Sports and the Media 
CCOM 340                Trends
CCOM 349                 Political Communication  

Digital Media Course (select one) 
ART 240                     Digital Photography I 
ART 243                     Introduction to Digital Art 
FVA 100                     Introduction to Visual Media
FVA 200                     Digital Film and Video I  

Business-Related Courses (select two from different prefixes) 
ACCT 110                  Financial Accounting 
ACCT 130                  Accounting for Managerial Decision Making 
BUS 244                     Management and Organizational Behavior 
BUS 314                     Business Writing 
ECON 110                  Principles of Macroeconomics 
ECON 111                  Principles of Microeconomics 

Interdisciplinary Electives (select three additional courses) 
Electives allow students to explore the business, social, political, and design principles inherent in the field. Students must complete any prerequisites associated with their electives. Electives have been broken down into categories, but students are not limited to any one category. Students may take any three courses from the below. 

Students interested in advertising should consider the following electives:  
ART 212                     Color and Design 
ART 240                     Digital Photography I 
ART 340                     Digital Photography II 
BUS 228                     Marketing Principles 
FVA 200                     Digital Film and Video I 
FVA 300                     Digital Film and Video II 

Students interested in public relations should consider the following electives: 
BUS 310                     Human Resources Management
CCOM 211                 Public Speaking 
CCOM 327                 Sports and the Media
ECON 347                  Game Theory 
MATH 115                 Applied Discrete Mathematics
MATH 123                 Introduction to Statistics 
PHIL 120                    Introduction to Moral Philosophy 

Students interested in consumer behavior should consider the following electives: 
ANTH 103                  Cultural Anthropology
ANTH/ARCH 210      Talking Trash: Archeology of Everyday Life  
CPTR 125                   Introduction to Computer Science
ECON 111                  Principles of Microeconomics 
ECON 220                  Money and Banking 
PSY 237                      Cognition 
REL 231                      Magic and Myth in Popular Culture 

Students interested in event planning should consider the following electives: 
ACCT 225                  Budgeting and Financial Statement Analysis  
BUS 238                    Fundamentals of Financial Management 
CCOM 221                 Event Management 
CCOM 222                 Entertainment Industry Promotion 
THEA 146                  Fundamentals of Production Design 
THEA 227                  Principles of Stage Management 

Students interested in political communication should consider the following electives: 
CCOM 349                 Political Communication 
ECON 110                  Principles of Macroeconomics 
PHIL 334                    Contemporary Political Philosophy 
PSCI 220                    Public Policy in America 
PSCI 227                     Media and Politics 
PSCI 316                     Public Opinion and Polling 

CCOM 330 Special Topics in Corporate Communication is also accepted as an elective. 

Capstone Requirement  (select one)

CCOM 400                 Applied Corporate Communication
CCOM 440                 Capstone Project

Diversity and Writing Courses

The following course satisfies the Domestic Cultural Diversity Requirement: CCOM 349. A list of courses that, when scheduled as W courses, count toward the Writing Requirement, can be found on the Registrar’s website and in the GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS section of the catalog.

Minor Requirements

The Corporate Communication minor will enhance the content of any major area of study with an additional set of communication skills. Five courses are required: CCOM 200, CCOM 324, two additional CCOM courses, and one additional course that counts toward the CCOM major.

Focuses on the way brands interact with society using advertising, public relations, social media, and digital content. The course explores how brands work with their customers, their social media followers, journalists, and the community at large to maintain a reputation, shape their messaging, and foster relationships.

Training in methods of informative and persuasive speaking, including formal speeches, impromptu situations, presentations, and persuasion in critical situations. Emphasizes the basic elements of effective public discourse: audience analysis, organization, content, and presentation skills. Prerequisite: ENGL 106 or 107. 

An introduction to event planning and management, which includes event design, marketing, operations, logistics, risk, staffing, and finance. Includes planning and management of corporate, non-profit, sports, arts, cultural and mega-events, and conventions.

Traces the music, television, film, and theater industries through the digital age (1980 to the present), the dominance of social media platforms, and the ways the entertainment industry affects society.

Considers the practice, theory, philosophy, ethics, and history of public relations. Appraises the capacity of public relations 1) to inform; 2) to persuade; 3) to cause, maintain, or change events and perceptions; and 4) to foster strategic business choices and decisions through rhetorical means. Prerequisite: ENGL 106 or 107.

Examines the field of media relations as it pertains to the world of sports. Students gain an understanding of how and why sports entities communicate with the media and the public. Using leagues, teams, and players as case studies, the course analyzes written, broadcast, and digital platforms as well as public events such as press conferences, interviews, and the ability to deal with breaking news. Students work to construct strategic communication plans for sports entities that are factual, ethical, and useful.

Study of communication theory as applied to a special area of corporate communication through
readings, discussion, and applications. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing or above or CCOM 200 or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit when topics are different.

Tracing the development of advertising into the broader field of integrated marketing communication, the course examines the concepts of branding, targeting, segmentation, positioning, and creative strategy. Students view and critique prominent advertising campaigns, create their own print and video advertisements, explore the psychology behind advertising, and assess the impact of advertising on society.

Students analyze current events and issues to predict the trends shaping the year ahead in business, social media, entertainment, science, sports, politics, and other industries. Prerequisite: two CCOM courses or consent of instructor. May be repeated for credit with instructor consent.  

Speechwriting, debate, political advertising, and the role of the press secretary are investigated in relation to political campaigns, elected officials, and political parties in the United States. Prerequisite: One CCOM or PSCI course or permission of instructor. Fulfills Domestic Cultural Diversity Requirement.

Provides students with practical work experience with local companies and organizations. Students work 10-12 hours per week for their sponsor organizations, in addition to attending a weekly seminar on topics relevant to their work assignments. Prerequisites: CCOM 200, 324, and 332. Consent of instructor required.

A semester-long project, the focus of which must be proposed by the student and approved by the Corporate Communication faculty. Possible approaches include original research projects, papers featuring substantial analysis of topics related to the course of study, the creation of a communication campaign for a real-world entity, the creation of a fully realized podcast or other digital communication project, or another project demonstrating competence in the major. Prerequisites: CCOM 200, 324, and 332.

Interns usually work off-campus in fields related to their areas of study. Students must apply for departmental and College approval prior to registration to be eligible for this course. Prerequisite: junior or senior standing. 1-8 credits

Represents an opportunity to pursue specific interests and topics not usually covered in regular courses.  Through a program of readings and tutorials, the student has the opportunity to pursue these interests and topics in greater depth than is usually possible in a regular course.



The Mathematical Finance major offers integrated coursework that explores the relationship between theoretical and applied mathematics and the ever-evolving world of finance. The major equips students with a solid foundation in mathematics and finance that can be applied successfully to complex financial models and mathematical modeling of financial markets. The major consists of courses in mathematics, finance, and computer programming. 

Major Requirements

All students majoring in Mathematical Finance must complete a total of 12 courses.

Capstone Requirement

Majors are required to pass BUS 438.

Diversity and Writing Courses

A list of courses that, when scheduled as W courses, count toward the Writing Requirement, can be found on the Registrar’s website and in the GENERAL EDUCATION REQUIREMENTS section of the catalog.

Foundation Courses (required):

BUS 238         Fundamentals of Financial Management
CPTR 125       Intro to Computer Science
MATH 128     Calculus I

Advanced Courses (required):

BUS 311         Investment Theory
BUS 337         Security Valuation and Portfolio Theory
BUS 438         Financial Modeling
CPTR 246       Advanced Programming
CPTR 247       Data Structures
MATH 129     Calculus II
MATH 130     Matrix Algebra
MATH 325     Theory of Interest with Applications 

Mathematical Finance Electives (select one):

ACCT 110      Financial Accounting
ACCT 130      Managerial Accounting
ACCT 225      Budgeting and Financial Statement Analysis
BUS 339        Corporate Finance and Investment Banking
BUS 360        International Finance
ECON 110      Principles of Macroeconomics
ECON 111       Principles of Microeconomics
ECON 220      Money and Banking
ECON 310      Intermediate Macroeconomics
ECON 311       Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 337      Public Finance
ECON 340      Econometrics
MATH 214      Multivariate Statistics
MATH 231      Differential Equations
MATH 332     Mathematical Statistics I
MATH 333     Mathematical Statistics II
MATH 338     Operations Research
PHYS 336      Mathematical Methods of Physics