A Code for Success.
Major: Applied Computer Science
Minors: Computational Science | Computer Science
Everybody in this country should learn how to program a computer…because it teaches you how to think. I view Computer Science as a liberal art.
-Steve Jobs, Entrepreneur, and Industrial Designer
Technology is always evolving, and intelligent machines are a reality. It is almost impossible to find a service that we rely on these days that doesn’t employ some form of computation. At Lycoming College, the department of mathematical sciences offers a bachelor of arts degree in applied computer science that is geared for the interdisciplinary thinker. Pursuing a computer science degree at Lycoming College thoroughly prepares students for several occupations that require creative problem-solving, critical thinking skills, and the ability to think computationally in an interdisciplinary environment. The program is designed to support all other major and minor fields of study at Lycoming College, empowering students to tailor their education and combine computer science with their interests. This concentrated ten-course program in applied computer science exposes students to the latest technology using a project-based approach. With a degree in applied computer science from Lycoming College, students balance theory with practice and learn to act as problem solvers across several related domains–from the arts to philosophy or economics–rather than narrowly as a software programmer or coder. This approach aligns with Lycoming's vision as a center of excellence in the liberal arts and sciences.
Student Opportunities
- Combine your computer science studies with a number of interdisciplinary electives, such as computer graphics, 2D game design, mobile application development, and more.
- Challenge yourself with complex software engineering projects, which coincide with instructional support for students to learn in a purpose-driven manner.
- Prepare for a career as a software engineer in one of the fastest growing areas in the job market.
- Study the primary language used for development, Java.
- Join the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) to advocate for computer science professions and to be involved in solving the problems of tomorrow.
- Work toward induction into Kappa Mu Epsilon (the national mathematics honor society) to promote mathematics and to stay up to date on its advancements.
- Enhance the small business community by driving innovation in software solutions.
- With guidance from a professor, apply for a National Science Foundation (NSF) grant for Research Experience for Undergraduate Students (REUs) and for the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship (SURF) program.
- Be a “Code Warrior” and represent the college at local and nationwide programming competitions.
Why Lycoming?
- The curriculum stresses the importance of design correctness, rooted in solid theory, with lab sessions where students translate theory into practice.
- Lycoming faculty bring extensive research and developmental expertise to the classroom.
- In a fast-moving industry, Lycoming’s program in applied computer science keeps track of and covers the latest development in computer science application.
- Advanced laboratory experiences prepare students for both graduate study and for jobs in the industry.
- Our program contains well equipped labs as well as a Unix lab set up for graphics, mobile application development, and high-performance computing and operating systems study.
- Lycoming-led research opportunities enable students to gain the skills that appeal to employers and graduate schools.
- The College’s embedded career advisors work with a broad array of organizations to secure local and national internship opportunities for students.
Why Lycoming is the Right Choice →