Aerial view of campus with Williamsport, the Susquehanna River and Bald Eagle Mountain as a backdrop

Kimberly Kohler

Kimberly Kohler


B.A., The Pennsylvania State University
M.Ed., The Pennsylvania State University
Ph.D., The Pennsylvania State University

Contact Information:

(570) 321-4384
Campus Post Office Box 22

Assistant Professor of Education

Kimberly Kohler joined Lycoming College as Assistant Professor of Special Education in Fall 2020. She earned her doctorate in Special Education, a professional certification in Interdisciplinary Education Sciences, a M.Ed. in Special Education, and a B.A. in French with a minor in Psychology all from The Pennsylvania State University. Prior to her return to graduate school, Kim taught 6th grade learning support for over 13 years at Park Forest Middle School in State College, Pennsylvania.

Currently, Kim teaches the Special Education coursework, advises students seeking certification in Special Education, including dual certifications, and is a faculty advisor for Lycoming’s chapter Kappa Delta Pi (International Education Honor Society) and the Student Pennsylvania State Education Association. She is also a member of the Council for Exceptional Children (Teacher Education Division, Small Special Education Programs Caucus), PA CEC, and Pennsylvania Association of College and Teacher Educators (PAC-TE).

Kim’s research explores ways to cultivate greater well-being and resilience of educators (namely teacher candidates and pre-service teachers) through professional development opportunities and mentoring experiences. More specifically, she is interested in ways to increase teacher retention, effectiveness, and resilience by fostering greater physiological and psychological well-being, emotion regulation, stress management, and compassion through mindfulness, yoga, and other contemplative practices.

Kim is truly passionate about teaching and preparing the next generation of educators!

For more information on Dr. Kohler, please see her curriculum vitae.