Aerial view of campus with Williamsport, the Susquehanna River and Bald Eagle Mountain as a backdrop

Check List for Archival Copy for Honors Projects

Have you included the signature page? Has it been signed by everyone?

Please see example and follow the general format we recommend. The signature page should serve as the cover page. We suggest using the original signature page for your archival copy. You should also include a photocopy of the signature page that we can send to the Registrar's Office.

Is there a one-inch margin on top, bottom, and sides of each page?

This is important because of the binding process. Take care to leave a generous left margin on pages with maps, computer printouts or pictures so information and data will not be lost.

If photos are used are they mounted with the proper adhesive?

Please be take care there is no puckering or wrinkling of the paper. Again, please leave proper margins.

Are the page numbers positioned correctly?

They should not appear on the left hand side of the page or too close to the top or bottom edge of the paper. This is also important for the binding process.

Do you have enough paper copies?

We need a paper copy, single-sided for the archives but it is also necessary to include a paper copy for each personal or departmental copy that you would like to have bound. We highly recommend binding a personal copy in order to preserve all your hard work.

Ask your professor/Advisor to see if they would like a copy for themselves or the department.

Have you filled in your release form?

The Student Research Release form (included with this mailing) allows the library to make your project available to others, both electronically and print.

Is your digital copy one continuous Word document or converted to PDF format?

A digital copy allows us to make your project available through our website. The PDF format assures we have an accurate reproduction of your work.

Have you sent your digital copy including the title/signature page to the library?

If you have any questions or concerns about either the paper copy or the digital copy please do not hesitate to contact Ariane Breton at