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Student Clubs & Organizations
The various student organizations existing at Lycoming College provide numerous opportunities for involvement and leadership. Students are expected to become contributors to campus life by actively involving themselves in student government, service and social organizations, academic clubs and club sports. The clubs and organizations are sponsored by Student Senate of Lycoming College. The Office of Student Engagement staff advise student leaders and organizations in the development and promotion of student activities. Wertz Student Center, ext. 4118, is available to provide further information.
General Interest
Join the staff of the Lycourier, our student-run newspaper, or learn ASL with the Sign Language Club. Interested in getting to know more about other cultures? Our Multicultural Awareness Group has quite a few members from Williamsport to Mauritius. If you're a commuter, looking to get more connected on campus, we have an organization just for you. Regardless of what your interests are, you're sure to find an organization to match.
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Anime House - The purpose of this club is to create an open environment for students to enjoy the Japanese visual culture of anime, and read and create mangas, while building a safe and welcoming community.
Black Student Union (BSU) - An organization established to expand the black awareness on campus. Thereby the goal is to extend the outreach to all students and faculty alike. This is an organization where students can go and discuss relevant issues of importance here at Lycoming.
Creative Arts Society (CAS) - Serves as a social organization for students having an interest in creative arts (audio, visual and performance). CAS sponsors trips to museums and performances. Membership is open to all students regardless of major/minor.
Gender and Sexuality Alliance of Lycoming College (GSA) - The purpose of the organization shall be to support all efforts to increase the students understanding in social issues that concern sexual orientation, identity, and expression; this shall be accomplished by educating students.
It's On Us Lycoming College - Our mission is to build an inclusive movement to end sexual assault and other forms of interpersonal violence by engaging the Lycoming College community and changing campus culture through educational empowerment.
Latin American Student Organization (L.A.S.O.) - L.A.S.O is established for the express purpose of developing cultural awareness of the Hispanic/Latino diaspora, creating venues to participate in cross cultural exchange, to engage in academic and social programming, and to address any issues on campus that affect the Lycoming Hispanic/Latino student population. L.A.S.O will serve as a safe space for all to come, discuss different topics and themes related to the Hispanic/Latino community, and create new relationships.
Lycoming College Democrats - Works to promote student participation and interest in local, state, and national politics. The club's primary background is the philosophy of the Democratic Party, but it encourages all students to learn more about leadership, volunteering and voting. Members assist candidates, discuss issues, meet speakers and work at convincing everyone on campus that participating in our community and government is important and fun.
Lycoming College Republicans - Affiliated with the College Republicans of America, this organization works to further the ideals of the Republican Party while educating students about the political system.
Lycoming College Role Playing Game Club (RPG) - The purpose of the LCRPGC is to unite people who enjoy role playing games. The club will foster an atmosphere of knowledge and understanding among those who wish to learn or further their knowledge of this genre of games.
Lycoming Environmental Awareness Foundation (LEAF) - LEAF promotes environmental awareness on the Lycoming College campus through the use of educational programs, local field activities and outdoor recreation.
Lycourier - The Lycourier student staff manages all aspects of the campus biweekly newspaper.
Lyco American Foundation for Suicide Prevention - Affiliated with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention, Lyco AFSP works to eliminate the stigmas surrounding mental health through campus and community involvement to establish better mental health awareness practices and ideals; while providing access to resources that aid individuals and community members in crises.
Lyco Voices - The Lyco Voices is Lycoming's first-ever gospel choir. This student-led ensemble explores traditional, contemporary, and praise & worship forms of gospel music. Lyco Voices is a diverse group that is open to students of any level of musicianship as well as to any cultural or religious background.
Multicultural Awareness Group (MAG) - Serves to celebrate the cultural differences of Lycoming students.
Phenomenal Women of Color - To create a society in which women can live full, self-determined lives through empowerment, love, and education. Through the guidance of the PWOC organization, these women will build lifelong bonds that they will carry with them in their everyday lives.
Sign Language Club- Promotes an inclusive environment for students to learn or improve their sign language skills in order to better advocate and communicate with the deaf and hard of hearing community.
WRLC 91.7FM- Campus radio station is staffed by students interested in radio broadcasting. You can listen online!

Fraternities and Sororities
You are sure to find your home away from home with one of our fraternities or sororities. These organizations give you an opportunity to get involved in a little bit of everything! Whether you really enjoy community service, taking a leadership role, or planning philanthropic events, you'll do it all as a member of a fraternity or sorority.
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- Lambda Chi Alpha
- Phi Kappa Psi
- Tau Kappa Epsilon
- Alpha Sigma Tau
- Alpha Xi Delta
- Beta Phi Gamma
- Gamma Delta Sigma
- Mu Sigma Upsilon
Fraternities and sororities are an important part of the institution's commitment to student development. The goals of all three men's national fraternities (Lambda Chi Alpha, Phi Kappa Psi and Tau Kappa Epsilon), and five women's sororities (Alpha Sigma Tau, Alpha Xi Delta, Beta Phi Gamma, Gamma Delta Sigma, and Mu Sigma Upsilon) are to promote academics, fellowship, leadership development, group responsibility and service to both the community and the campus. Involvement in Fraternity and Sorority Life is open to all students who have been enrolled for one full semester. Fraternities and sororities view recruitment as a yearlong process. Formal recruitment periods are held each September and January.
For more information on how to join a fraternity or sorority, please contact the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life and Involvement, or call 570/321-4118.
Sport Clubs
Join the group of students who love to dance with Lyco Pom and Dance, go to our climbing wall with Lycoming Climbing Club, and much more. There are plenty of options! We also have a variety of intramural sports you can get involved with all year round.
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Cheerleading - Members are selected yearly by try out to provide a cheer squad for Lycoming athletic events.
Lyco Pom & Dance – Exposes students to a diverse dance background by providing a platform to display art and creativity through dance with integrity.
Lycoming Climbing Club- Promotes the sport of climbing and proliferates climbing knowledge at Lycoming College in hopes of creating a sustainable community of climbers. By joining members will develop climbing skills and knowledge.
Lycoming College E-Sports Club - With advancement in digital media E sports are continuing to become a large form of entertainment, more than ever there is a growing number of spectators that wish to watch professional competitive video games at an international level. The creation of an E sports club on campus will create an environment that will expose students to the growing internet culture and bring together those that already are involved with E sports. The E sports Club is dedicated to interacting with other members of the club pertaining to E sport events, participating in E sport events on campus and learning of new and upcoming E sport opportunities.
Lycoming College Shotokan Karate Club - Our club is part of the iskf (international shotokan karate federation) which has direct lineage to master Giving Funakoshi, the founder of modern karate. Shotokan karate is a traditional martial art. That means, we put emphasis towards spiritual development as well as physical development. The term Karate translates to empty hand. (Self defense without any weapons.) The ultimate goal of karate practicioners is to perfect one's character as a whole, not just pursue perfection of physical techniques. We train 1 to 2 times a week. Through sincere Training, practicioners will gain several benefits physically and mentally.
Powerlifting Club – Teaches students healthy techniques in powerlifting, wellness, and nutrition, while providing the opportunity to participate in regional, statewide, and national competitions with your club.
Religious Clubs
Are you looking for an opportunity to explore your spirituality? Or perhaps you'd like to get involved with a ministry specifically for athletes? Join other students looking for a way to worship on campus.
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Lycoming DiscipleMakers Christian Fellowship – We exist to help every student explore the Bible and understand its core message about Jesus. Our goal is to equip Christians to fully grasp who Jesus is and empower all students with this hopeful message from the Bible.
Fellowship of Christian Athletes (FCA) – FCA is an athletic ministry that seeks to engage, equip, and empower coaches and athletes to know and grow in their faith in Jesus Christ and to lead others to do the same. We do this through weekly huddles (small-group Bible study) and personal discipleship throughout the year. FCA fosters community through events, gatherings, and activities to cultivate meaningful relationships across campus. If you are interested in what the Bible has to say about being a Christ-centered leader on your team or on campus, FCA is the place for you.
Service Organizations
Interested in connecting with the local community? Or maybe you'd like to travel over Spring Break to connect with a community in the South? These organizations provide you with countless opportunities to get involved in community service. Whether it's building houses over spring break with Habitat for Humanity, or helping families close to campus, you'll have plenty of opportunities to help individuals and families in need.
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Circle K International - Exists to meet the personal needs of the individual collegian through the qualities of leadership, the rewards of service and the unique spirit of friendship.
Habitat for Humanity - The Lycoming College chapter of this ecumenical housing organization works in partnership with people in need to improve the conditions in which they are forced to live.
United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund (UNICEF) at Lycoming College - The purpose of this organization is to organize and help engage students for the survival, protection, and development of children worldwide through education, advocacy, and fundraising as a UNICEF Campus Initiative group through the U.S. Fund for UNICEF.
Governing Bodies and Boards
Leadership is one of the most important qualities you'll need for life after college. It looks great on a resume! Of course, you can lead on an executive board of any of our clubs and organizations. These particular groups lead everything from the student body to campus concerts.
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Campus Activities Board (CAB) - In cooperation with the Office of Student Engagement, the Campus Activities Board plans and implements student activities such as concerts, comedians, dinner theaters, movies and musical performances. Membership in CAB is open to all Lycoming College students. All active members have voting privileges within the organization.
Student Senate of Lycoming College (SSLC) - The Student Senate of Lycoming College (SSLC) is the official student governing body of the College. SSLC is the final, legitimate and representative voice of the students and is recognized by the administration as the official voice of students. Student grievances, needs and desires should be taken to SSLC for effective communication with the administration. A major function of SSLC is the appointment of student representatives to campus committees that play important roles in Lycoming policy making. SSLC meetings are held weekly in the Wertz Conference Room. SSLC maintains an office on the third floor of the Wertz Student Center.
Class Officers
Each of the four classes, Senior, Junior, Sophomore, First-Years, elect students to serve as their class officers. These students work in conjunction with Student Senate to promote class unity and relay information pertinent to the members of their class.
FSL Leadership Council – Serves as the governing body for fraternity and sorority life (FSL), consisting of members from all chapters, who govern the FSL system through policy and resolutions that affect all chapter members. The Council aims to act as a coordinating and unifying organization for the fraternities and sororities at Lycoming College.
Recognition of Organizations
To be recognized by the College, a new campus organization must route its request through the Office of Community Service and Involvement to the Student Senate of Lycoming College (SSLC). The request must be accompanied by a copy of the proposed organization's Constitution and Bylaws, the name of its advisor, who must be an employee of the College, and a list of at least ten (10) members and executive officers. In each case, SSLC must judge that such recognition would promote the mission and principles of the College. After reviewing a proposed request, the Director of Community Service and Involvement will forward the request to the Student Senate who may approve the organization for recognition. Recognition enables an organization to use College facilities and receive College funds.
Academic Interest
Whether you're interested in joining a club that better prepares you for the real world in your major, or are interested in joining a club for another major you're considering, these clubs and organizations are for you. From our film business club, Crossing the Frames Productions, to the Lycoming College Choir, we have something for every academic interest. You may even be asked to join one of our honor societies!
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Academic Support Organizations
Clubs on this list are also under the Student Senate umbrella but are topically similar to many of the majors and academic areas of study at the College.
Accounting Society - The purpose of this organization is to generate interest in accounting and to create a liaison between students, faculty and alumni to promote the professional social well-being of future accountants.
Archaeology Club – The purpose of this club is to engage in archaeological interests and learn more about the field through various programs.
Club Franco - Provides a forum in the French language for all students and faculty. We are an academic organization that offers activities to promote the French language and Francophone culture.
Crossing The Frames Productions - This new club on campus is all about the film business. We work with actors, musicians, graphic artists, film equipment, editing software, scripts and other members of the organization to create a student film or video. The pieces can be any genre and be written by any member, which is why this club is open not just to Digital Communication students but to all majors, such as Creative Writing, Fine Art and Business. This club is dedicated to the production of videos done solely by students, including pre-production, production and post-production, where every member will have a job. If you would like to become part of this organization please contact a current member or officer.
Lyco Code Warriors – Furthers students’ knowledge about robots, programming, and new discoveries in the field, while fostering connections to individuals in the industry.
Lycoming College Choir - The Choir has been widely acclaimed as one of the finest college musical groups in the East. Since its inception in 1947,the Choir has presented concerts in every state east of the Mississippi River. They have toured abroad in Canada, England, Puerto Rico, Spain, Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic. They have sung with the Gregg Smith Singers and Barry Manilow and appeared at the National Cathedral, the Washington Shrine, and St. Patrick's Cathedral in New York City.
Lycoming College Concert Band - Is an ensemble of approximately 55 woodwind, brass and percussion players. Membership is open to all students by audition. The repertoire includes a variety of music, from original wind band literature to lighter arrangements. During the year, the band performs five concerts on campus. The band also takes a brief tour at the end of spring semester. Concerts are free and open to the public.
Conductor: Dr. William S. Ciabattari
Lycoming College History Club - Is open to all students and has been established for the expressed purpose of spreading the love and knowledge of all things historical.
Lycoming College Jazz Ensemble - Provides an opportunity for students with an interest in playing,learning and performing jazz music, both instrumental and vocal. Membership is open to all full-time students.
Conductor: Dr. William S. Ciabattari
Political Science Club - Encourages student interest in the discipline of political science, stimulates campus activities related to government and politics, and provides a forum for invited speakers and lecturers to come to campus.
Pre-Health Society - Provides post-graduate information and materials for health care careers and sponsors lectures and social service programs pertaining to all areas of the health care industry.
Pre-Law Society - Provides post-graduate information for students who are interested in law school and law related careers.
Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) - This organization helps students understand how the military operates while teaching skills of leading and being led.
S-Pennsylvania State Education Association - Encourages student interest in the field of education, both on campus and in the community education system.
Society of Physics Students - Advances and diffuses knowledge of the science of physics and its application to human welfare by promoting educational activities for students and recognizing students who have achieved high scholarship in physics.
Spanish Club - Promotes the understanding of the cultural diversity of Spanish speaking countries.
Ghostlight Gang- Promotes the arts to the Lycoming College community and fosters interest in campus theatre activities.
For a list of our Academic Honor Societies, please visit the Honor Societies' section of the Provost's Office Web page.