Create Your Own Major

An individual interdisciplinary major offers the opportunity for a student to design a specific major which is unique to his or her needs and objectives. Combining courses from more than one department, each student becomes an active participant in creating their own major with support from their faculty advisor(s) and with a panel of faculty members from each of the sponsoring departments.

An individual interdisciplinary major normally consists of 10 courses, at least six of which are at the 300 or 400 level. Examples of recent individual interdisciplinary majors are: Biopsychology, North American Archaeology, Legal Studies, Women and the Legal System, and Religion and Marketing.

For more information on designing your own major that is unique to your desired career path, please contact the registrar at

Interdisciplinary Majors and Minors

Lycoming College offers a number of exciting interdisciplinary majors and minors. Typically, these programs are designed around broad themes or topics and often combine coursework from two or more academic disciplines.

For example, the actuarial science major focuses on a wide range of knowledge and skills in order to prepare graduates for careers in the insurance and finance industries. Students in this program will select courses in the departments of math, accounting, and economics.

Or, check out our new entrepreneurship program that provides any Lycoming student, regardless of their major, the opportunity to “wrap” their academic program with coursework and applied learning opportunities in entrepreneurship.

Whether you choose a major or a minor, you will benefit by the breadth and flexibility that is offered by Lycoming’s interdisciplinary programs.

Established Interdisciplinary Majors

Interdisciplinary Minors