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Campus Parking
Please submit forms to:
Lycoming College
Public Safety
One College Place
Campus Box 166
Williamsport, PA 17701-5192
Motor Vehicle Regulations
*Notice* — Please do not send payments when returning the Motor Vehicle Registration Form. Registration fees will be assessed to the student's account.
For students returning for the 2023 - 2024 School Year, the following rates will apply for Motor Vehicle Registration:
Parking Rules and Regulations
General Information
Parking decals are obtained by using this form. Follow the prompts to complete the registration form. All requested information must be entered to complete the vehicle registration. By completing the vehicle registration, the owner/operator agrees to comply with all Lycoming College Motor Vehicle Rules and Regulations and assumes responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained on the registration form. Parking Rules and Regulations can be found on this page.
The Department of Public Safety reserves the right to revoke faculty, staff, student and visitor parking privileges for repeat violations of this policy, for providing false or inaccurate information on the Motor Vehicle Registration Form or altering any issued permits without prior notification and authorization from a supervising member of the Department of Public Safety.
Decals or permits may only be displayed on the vehicle listed on the registration form. A student may transfer a permit to a new vehicle for free by returning the decal to the Public Safety Office and filling out a new registration form to obtain a new decal. Loaning, selling, altering or using someone else’s parking decal or permit is strictly prohibited.
Obtaining a parking permit does not guarantee a parking space. Space within each designated area by those registered and authorized is available on a first-come-first-served basis.
Parking Rules and Regulations
- Vehicles must be in operable condition and maintain current state issued registration and required inspections while on college property. Any inoperable vehicle or vehicle in severe disrepair must be removed promptly. A vehicle's condition does not excuse compliance with any parking rule or regulation.
- Parking Decals must be properly displayed on the left side of the rear bumper so as to be easily visible. Visitor and Temp permits must be displayed on the driver side of the dashboard with vehicle information facing up and visible from the outside.
- Vehicles must be in a designated parking space between painted lines.
Restricted Parking Areas
- Regardless of the day or time, all student vehicles must be parked in designated student lots.
- Visitor spaces are reserved 24 hours a day, 7 days a week for business visitors to the College.
- Most Faculty and Staff spaces are reserved 24 hours a day, 7 days a week: Lynn, Mass Comm., Buildings & Grounds, Gateway, and Wesley Lot Staff Section (facing Asbury Hall)
- Students may park in the AC Parking Lot and Skeath Lot from 5PM to 7AM daily.
- Handicapped spaces are reserved for vehicles properly identified with state issued handicapped placards or plates. Limited authorization for on campus handicapped parking may be obtained from the Director of Public Safety for medical necessity. Temporary parking in handicapped spaces for loading/unloading is prohibited.
- Parking on Warrior Way is restricted unless otherwise authorized by the Director of Public Safety. Vehicles may stop to load/unload for a period of time not exceeding 15 minutes provided the emergency flashers are activated.
- Vehicles may not park in service lanes or areas blocking sidewalks, drives or in any manner that interferes with the normal operation of the college.
- Vehicles may not park or operate over any landscaped, grassy areas or pedestrian walkways.
- Vehicles must be removed from any temporary reserved area in a timely manner as directed by Public Safety.
Temporary Permits
- Temporary Parking Permits are available for students and visitors 24 hours a day, 7 days a week in the Public Safety Office.
- Temporary Parking Permits may be issued for a maximum of 14 days per year for students who have not purchased an annual parking decal.
- Students requesting Temporary Parking Permits in an effort to circumvent the proper registration process may have their parking privileges suspended or revoked.
- Overnight guests must be registered. Guest registration are obtained through this form (coming soon). Follow the prompts to complete the registration form. All requested information must be entered to complete the guest registration. By completing the guest registration, the host student agrees to comply with all Lycoming College Rules and Regulations and assumes responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained on the registration form.
- Student visitors may only park in the Purple coded parking lots.
- All parking fines assessed to a visitor's vehicle will be posted to the host's student account.
- The host will be held financially responsible for violations committed by their visitor. Parking appeals for violations from guests will not be accepted without an identified host signature.
- Visitors to the Admissions or Athletics offices may obtain permits from those offices.
Snow Emergency
- All parking rules and regulations remain in effect during a snow emergency
- Vehicles may be required to move temporarily to allow for snow removal. Failure to abide may result in a fine.
- Vehicle owners are responsible for freeing their own vehicles from accumulated snow, including snow piled from plowing. A shovel may be obtained at the Public Safety Office by presenting and leaving a College ID.
- During City Snow Emergencies, all vehicles must be removed from Washington Blvd. and Franklin St., as required by City Code. During this time, students may park in lots designated by the Director without need of a parking permit.
The Public Safety Office will provide an escort from any parking lot to any destination on campus. Please contact the Public Safety Office in advance of parking to enhance safety and minimize delay.
Closed Circuit Surveillance cameras have been installed in the Mulberry, Ross, Skeath, Wesely and Commons parking lots. The video is not actively monitored; but rather, is accessible on an archival basis for 15 or more days.
Parking Lot Restrictions
- First-year students/Sophomore (Blue): Duke St. Lot, Rec Center Lot, Triangle Lot.
- Junior/Senior (Red): Ross St, Wesley Lot, Bennett St. Lot
- Any registered vehicle (Purple): Mulberry St Lot, Packer St. Lot, Washington Blvd Lot (Formally the North Lot), Lower AC Lot.
- Staff (Green & Gray): AC Lot, Comm Lot, Lynn Lot, Skeath Lot, Staff sections of Wesley, and Buildings & Grounds Lot.
Violations and Fines
Violations per Academic Year will be treated as follows:
- First and Second Violation: Fine
- Third Violation: Double Fine, potential for immobilization
- Fourth Violation: Double Fine, immobilization
- Fifth Violation: Triple Fine, potential for towing
- Additional Violation: Triple Fine, revocation of parking privileges.
The amount charged for each fine depends on the violation. Appeals are heard by a committee consisting of a panel of two or more student volunteers and a faculty or staff advisor. Appeals will only be accepted within the semester the violation was received.
Lycoming College assumes no responsibility for damage which may occur during towing or storage of a vehicle. Any vehicle towed and not picked up within 24 hours will be charged an additional charge per day for storage. The storage fee will be added to the cost of towing assessed by the towing company.
Appeals must be submitted during the semester in which the ticket was received or the first week of the following semester if the ticket is issued during the final week of the previous semester. All fines will be billed to the student account. If an appeal is granted, the fine will be refunded. Forms are available in the Public Safety Office or online at the Public Safety Webpage. Appeals are reviewed by a committee consisting (at a minimum) of two current student volunteers and one faculty or staff member. The committee is chaired by a designee of the Public Safety Office, who is a non-voting member that advises on this policy.
The following will not be accepted as an excuse to appeal:
- No spaces available in a lot
- Unfamiliar with the regulations: All members of the college community are expected to be familiar with and follow all rules and regulations. The policy is also published online and in the Student Handbook.
- Incorrect advice: The fact a person has been incorrectly advised does not constitute an excuse. The Student Handbook and Parking Regulations Brochure are the sole authority unless otherwise indicated by the Director of Public Safety.
- Short-term illegal parking: The fact that the illegal parking was brief does not constitute an excuse or special circumstance.
- Inconsistent enforcement: Officers ticket at random times. It is impossible to guarantee every violation will receive a ticket every time.
Designated Parking Space Count