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Programs & Resources
Lilly Conference
Lycoming College faculty are asked to please consider offering a proposal for a presentation at the Lilly Conference held at Miami University (Oxford, Ohio). This well established conference promotes good teaching and invites presentations that communicate excellence in teaching ideas. The Conference is held in November of each year and proposals usually must be submitted in June.
In past years, Janet Hurlbert, Darby Lewes, Kurt Olsen, and Arthur Sterngold have made presentations. Samplings of contributed papers and proposals are available for review from Janet Hurlbert.
Please contact Charles Mahler if you are interested and willing to further explore participation in the Lilly Conference.
Journal on Excellence in College Teaching
The Journal on Excellence in College Teaching is a peer-reviewed journal published at Miami University (Ohio) by and for faculty at universities and two- and four-year colleges to increase student learning through effective teaching, interest in and enthusiasm for the profession of teaching, and communication among faculty about their classroom experiences. The Journal provides a scholarly, written forum for discussion by faculty about all areas affecting teaching and learning, and gives faculty the opportunity to share proven, innovative pedagogies and thoughtful, inspirational insights about teaching.
The Office of the Dean is funding this electronic journal to support teaching effectiveness at Lycoming College.
The National Teaching & Learning Forum
A teaching newsletter reporting on teaching and learning. Leading experts share their views and regular features present useful ideas on how to combine pedagogy and technology for more effective teaching. You'll find national coverage of teaching conferences. (Our print version is the complete issue; the Web site displays selected material.)
Print version available in the Teaching Effectiveness Collection, Snowden Library
The Teaching Professor
The Teaching Professor is a monthly newsletter that focuses on teaching effectiveness through short articles contributed by faculty from many different types of institutions. Recent issues include titles such as "Designing and Teaching Study Tour Courses," "A Recovery Program for Lectureholics," and "Encouraging Candidates to Talk About Teaching."
Available in the Teaching Effectiveness Resource Collection, Snowden Library
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Teaching Effectiveness Programs and Centers in the United States